[Solved] for loop: make increment and accessing in one loop

doing for( int i =0; i++<10; a[i-1]=i ) { printf(“%i:%i\n”, i-1, a[i-1]); } you set the entries after you print them because a[i-1]=i is executed after the body of the for, so you print non initialized array entries your code is also ‘complicated’ because you increase i too earlier in the test part of for, … Read more

[Solved] Reading and processing input [closed]

Proper method: Int32 weeklySales = 0; while (weeklySales.Equals(0)) { Console.WriteLine(“What are your weekly sales?”); String input = Console.ReadLine(); try { weeklySales = Int32.Parse(input); } catch { Console.WriteLine(“There is an error in your input, try again!”); } } Double grossPay = weeklySales * .07; Double fedTax = grossPay * .18; Double retirement = grossPay * .1; … Read more

[Solved] Checking all values in an array [duplicate]

You can check every element in the array and break if only the element is smaller than 100. And outside the loop print the message based on whether i – The loop counter- is equal to the size or not. If equal than all elements are greater otherwise one of them is smaller: int array[] … Read more

[Solved] C++ : Unable to read from large txt file [closed]

Your problem is in the merge function: you exceed the local variable c. long c[30]; maybe there are more problems, that is the first I notice. EDIT Try this: find the differences… #include <map> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; void merge(vector<long> &,long ,long , long ); void divide(vector<long> &arr,long … Read more

[Solved] free() not working correctly with struct

It is always a good habit to set the pointer to NULL after freeing it. Since the memory you are accessing is still intact you are seeing right values for l->val. Node *l=malloc(sizeof(Node)); l->key=”foo”; l->val=”bar”; free(l); l = NULL; solved free() not working correctly with struct

[Solved] How to read line by line from file

As you saw, your function read_ins is always outputting the first line of your file program.txt. This is because each time you open the file using fopen, the read cursor is starting from the beginning of the file. To change this behavior, you should open the file and give the FILE* as an argument of … Read more

[Solved] Comparison inside while loop c++

Use == not = if (num == 1) { system(“start C:\\test\\vw”); Sleep(2000); } else if (num == 2) { system(“start C:\\test\\vw2”); Sleep(2300); } else if (num == 3) { system(“start C:\\test\\vw3”); Sleep(1800); } == is for comparison, = is for assignment The reason why it always chooses the first option is because C++ (and C) … Read more

[Solved] Do Microsoft provide an official, up to date (for 2018) reference for interfacing a windows service with Teams via a bot (avoiding Azure)? [closed]

Do Microsoft provide an official, up to date (for 2018) reference for interfacing a windows service with Teams via a bot (avoiding Azure)? [closed] solved Do Microsoft provide an official, up to date (for 2018) reference for interfacing a windows service with Teams via a bot (avoiding Azure)? [closed]

[Solved] sender as in C# [duplicate]

The as operator attempts to convert the parameter to the requested type, returning null if the conversion/cast fails. (MSDN) So the code you provided is checking if sender is a Rectangle object (or a derived type). It then checks for null before using the converted variable, which is always good practice when using as. Note … Read more

[Solved] C++ not modifiable lvalue

getRadius() returns a copy of the object’s radius, not a reference to it, so you can’t use it for modification. So the following expression: C.getRadius()=t; attempts to modify a temporary copy, which isn’t allowed. (The reason that its not allowed is that otherwise that code would compile but do nothing useful, giving a subtle bug … Read more

[Solved] ASP.NET Login, invalid password

EDIT Now that I look closer there are many things wrong with this code. Standard practice is to check for the username/password combination in one shot: mysql = “SELECT 1 FROM [User] WHERE UserName=? AND Password=?”; OleDbCommand CheckUser = new OleDbCommand(mysql, con); // Add OleDbParameters here with the correct type/length CheckUser.Parameters.Add(“@userName”, OleDbType.Char, 20).Value = tbUser.Text … Read more