[Solved] What is the VB.Net equavilent of the following

Very similar to the generated code, but there are some changes. I don’t know what the generator was doing with Key, and I don’t think it’s necessary to bracket the Error keyword in this context. Dim Result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(OF T)(parsed(“result”).ToString(), _ New JsonSerializerSettings With { .Error = AddressOf HandleDeserializationError} ) Protected Sub HandleDeserializationError(sender As Object, … Read more

[Solved] How do I write a regular expression that matches strings with exactly one space between each word and no trailing or leading spaces [closed]

How do I write a regular expression that matches strings with exactly one space between each word and no trailing or leading spaces [closed] solved How do I write a regular expression that matches strings with exactly one space between each word and no trailing or leading spaces [closed]

[Solved] Creating a pointer to an object without new keyword

GLFWwindow* window; window = glfwCreateWindow( 1024, 768, “Tutorial 01”, NULL, NULL); Look into the function glfwCreateWindow. Most likely, the function either dynamically creates an instance of GLFWwindow or points to a statically declared instance. Think of it as a similar function to new. And to answer the title of your question, yes, you can assign … Read more

[Solved] How do I load my array into multiple text boxes? [closed]

Say you have four numbers in that array. If you have a definitive number of indices, 4 of them, you have to have four TextBox objects. List<String> = new List<String>(); foreach (int myInt in myArray) { List.add(myInt.ToString()); } Then in the main class, or runtime: TextBox1.Text = List.get(0); TextBox2.Text = List.get(1); TextBox3.Text = List.get(2); TextBox4.Text … Read more

[Solved] Method Calling with Time of 2 Seconds

Based on your response in comments, I think you want your timer event handler to be something like this: // Declared at class scope private int whichMethod = 1; private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (whichMethod == 1) { method1(); whichMethod = 2; } else { method2(); whichMethod = 1; } } That … Read more

[Solved] Finding a string element in an array C++

Your problem is that your return – 1 should be after for loop. When you check whether your string is somewhere in your array you do it only one time, because of the fact that after an if statement the program sees return – 1 which means “oh I should exit the function now and … Read more

[Solved] Creating a second instance of an object changes whole class behavior (C++)

WayPointStack wps = *(new WayPointStack()); must be WayPointStack wps; because it is enough and that removes the memory leak In WPCommand WayPointStack::GetNextWP() { … return *(new WPCommand(_END, 10000)); } you create an other memory leak, may be do not return the element but its address allowing you to return nullptr on error ? /*const ?*/ … Read more

[Solved] C++ How to search files in a directory with certain name? [closed]

Now you can get file names. Just compare a file name. while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { std::string fname = dirp->d_name; if(fname.find(“abc”) != std::string::npos) files.push_back(fname); } Also you can use scandir function which can register filter function. static int filter(const struct dirent* dir_ent) { if (!strcmp(dir_ent->d_name, “.”) || !strcmp(dir_ent->d_name, “..”)) return 0; std::string fname … Read more

[Solved] Null terminated C character arrays

First, “sample” is called a string literal. It declares a const char array terminated with a null character. Let us go on: char arr[]=”sample”; The right hand part in a const char array of size 7 (6 characters and a ‘\0’. The dimension of arr is deduced from its initialization and is also 7. The … Read more

[Solved] Program to remove all the consecutive same letter from a given string [closed]

printf(“%s\n”,str2[k]); str2[k] is a char, but you tell printf it is a char* But this program still will not work properly – the first call to gets() will just read the carriage-return that is left in the input queue after reading the initial int value. And you never null-terminate str2. solved Program to remove all … Read more

[Solved] Why does my C++ program crash when I forget the return statement, rather than just returning garbage?

Forgetting the return value results in the control flow reaching the end of a function. The C and C++ standards both describe this case. Note that main is an exception to this case and is described separately. Flowing off the end of a function is equivalent to a return with no value; this results in … Read more

[Solved] Visual Studio Linker Error while linking SFML-2.1

You should add your file names of *.lib files to vs’ linker. Instruction: 1.Open your project Property pages.(Press Alt+F7 in vs). 2.Expand “Configuration Properties”. 3.Expand “Linker”. 4.You will find item “Input” under “Linker” and click the “Input”. 5.On the right side,you will find a item “Additional Dependencies”. 6.Add your lib file names here.(for example lib1.lib;lib2.lib…,separate … Read more