[Solved] Can’t use global variables with gcc

You can declare global variables but you have to initialize inside main like this: char* vidmem; char* vidmem; int main() { vidmem = (char*)0xb8000; vidmem[0] = ‘x’; vidmem[1] = 0x0f; } 1 solved Can’t use global variables with gcc

[Solved] How to print string containing numbers right-aligned? [closed]

Find longest string: ofstream myfile; std::istringstream f(“line1\nline2\nline3”); std::string line; std::string longest = “”; while (std::getline(f, line)) { std::cout << line << std::endl; if(line.length() > longest.length()){ longest = line; } } myfile << << std::right << setw(longest.length()) << “Your Text”; This is my solution 2 solved How to print string containing numbers right-aligned? [closed]

[Solved] Using a string in a while loop (OR operator)

First off, welcome to the C++ world! Now, let’s move onto your problem. If you take a look at this line, while (name != “Alice” || name!= “Bob”) As others have said, this contains the problem. You are basically saying: while (the name is NOT “Alice” OR the name is NOT “Bob”) Names cannot be … Read more

[Solved] Sql: Incorrect syntax near ‘(‘ [closed]

Missing space and closing ) protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string dsn = “foo”; string sql = @”SELECT * FROM ( SELECT F.Project AS ‘Project Number’, F.Account AS ‘Account’, F.Pd AS Period, F.Incurred AS Totals, C.Project AS ‘Project Name’ FROM Ultron.Final F INNER JOIN Ultron.Custom C ON F.Project = C.Project WHERE F.Project LIKE … Read more

[Solved] Using paragraphs 8.5.3p4 and p5 in the C++11 Standard, how do I prove that the snippet below doesn’t compile?

Firstly, a common mistake in reading 8.5.3p5 is to miss that it has two top level bullet points. You may have accidentally misread the final occurence of “Otherwise” as a third bullet point – but it is in fact a subpart of the second bullet point (also starting Otherwise). char a=”a”; char* p = &a; … Read more

[Solved] How to cut up a string from an input file with Regex or String Split, C#?

Description This regex will: capture the fields values for subject, from, to, and read the fields can be listed in the source string in any order capture the date on the second line what starts with a single # ^\#(?!\#)([^\r\n]*)(?=.*?^Subject=([^\r\n]*))(?=.*?^From=([^\r\n]*))(?=.*?^To=([^\r\n]*))(?=.*?^Read=([^\r\n]*)) Expanded ^\#(?!\#) match the first line which only has a single # ([^\r\n]*) capture all … Read more

[Solved] Use of string as an existing variable in c#

You cannot do it for local variables like this. For member fields you can use reflection; for locals, the simplest approach is to use Dictionary, for example, like this: IDictionary<string,string> vars = new Dictionary<string,string> { {“one”, “find”} , {“two”, “cancel”} }; combobox1.text = vars[“one”]; solved Use of string as an existing variable in c#

[Solved] unrecognized selector sent to instance AdViewController [closed]

This method is deprecated in iOS5. You must build your project to target iOS 5 or earlier. http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIAccelerometerDelegate_Protocol/DeprecationAppendix/AppendixADeprecatedAPI.html You must replace it with Core Motion functionality to move to a newer version of iOS. http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/CoreMotion/Reference/CMMotionManager_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009670 2 solved unrecognized selector sent to instance AdViewController [closed]

[Solved] Accessing struct member through unique_ptr gives segmentation fault [closed]

First, std::unique_ptr is a class not a struct, so get rid of the struct prefix on the pdfInfo variable declaration. You were probably thinking of this instead: std::unique_ptr<struct Canvas::LoadedPDFInfo> pdfInfo; But even when declaring variables (or type-casting) using actual struct types, you still do not need the struct prefix. C needs that, C++ does not. … Read more

[Solved] first program of OpenGL using c++ [closed]

You are using a cross-compiler for Windows, and you are trying to run the binary on Linux (I assume ubantu is a linux distribution). Just use normal g++ from apt-get install g++. Here’s a GLFW usage example, if you’d like to see some code. GLFW is cross-OS, so it will still work when compiled on … Read more

[Solved] Search SQL by date ASP.NET

You should parameterized your query. DateTime doesn’t have any format associated with it, Format is only useful for displaying purpose. OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(“Select * From TEST WHERE MatchDate >= @matchDate”, conn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@matchDate”, DateTime.Today); // Just date part comparision // Or use DateTime.Now depending on your requirement) OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); This … Read more