[Solved] How does #define carries the function name in c?

C preprocessor macros simply do text replacement. They have no semantic awareness of your program. This: #include <stdio.h> #define x printf(“%s”, f); int main() { char* f = “MAIN”; printf (“Hello World”); x; return 0; } Becomes: #include <stdio.h> int main() { char* f = “MAIN”; printf (“Hello World”); printf(“%s”, f);; return 0; } Please … Read more

[Solved] How does #define carries the function name in c?

Introduction #define is a preprocessor directive in the C programming language that allows for the definition of macros. It is used to replace a function name with a predefined value. This is useful for creating constants, as well as for creating short-hand versions of commonly used functions. By using #define, the programmer can save time … Read more

[Solved] find the input is alphanumeric or not with using #define macro preprocessor in c

Here is the macro: #define IS_ALNUM(x) (((x)>=’a’ && (x) <= ‘z’)) ||((x)>=’A’ && (x) <= ‘Z’)) || (((x)>=’0′ && (x) <= ‘9’))) It tests if it is Between a and z Between A and Z Between 0 and 9 Quite simple 2 solved find the input is alphanumeric or not with using #define macro preprocessor … Read more

[Solved] Problems changing variable in #if

Preprocessor directives are interpreted before compiling your program. So VAR has no knowledge of a and b. See C preprocessor on Wikipedia. Instead, you could create a macro that takes parameters, like this: #define VAR(a,b) (a | b) …and use it like that: #if (VAR(a,b) != 0) You would have to adapt your program, since … Read more

[Solved] Replace cout

Unfortunately, this is possible. But in no sense can I condone it. #include <iostream> namespace std { class not_actually_cout{}; template<typename T> not_actually_cout& operator<< (not_actually_cout& stream, const T & v) { std::cout << v << std::endl; return stream; } not_actually_cout not_actually_cout_instance; } #define cout not_actually_cout_instance int main(void) { cout << “why god why”; cout << “please … Read more