[Solved] c#: (True==True) returning False [closed]

I can see two possibilities: useaction.Postcondition[goalneeds] and current[goalneeds] return something other than a bool. They return an object of a class that has a ToString() method which sometimes returns the string “True”. The specific objects returned in your case both generate “True” but are not the same object, so == is false (or the type … Read more

[Solved] Multiple ternary operators and evaluating int as boolean mystery [closed]

Why does any combination of true and false return the value it does? There is no combination of any boolean here. This ?: operator returns first or second expression, not the condition itself. condition ? first_expression : second_expression; The condition must evaluate to true or false. If condition is true, first_expression is evaluated and becomes … Read more

[Solved] Swift Version 2 Bool [closed]

Boolean values in Swift are true and false, YES and NO is used in Objective C. So in your stopRunning method for instance, you should write: @IBAction func stopRunnng(sender: UIButton) { tmrRun invalidate() btnGo.userInteractionEnabled = true btnStop.userInteractionEnabled = false sliSpeed.userInteractionEnabled = true } (sidenote, you don’t need the ; in Swift either) About the void … Read more