[Solved] Hide registration and login buttons when a user logged in? [closed]

<div id=’nav’> <?php if(is_logged_in()) { if(is_admin()) { echo anchor(‘admin’,’Admin Dashboard’); } echo anchor(‘user/logout’,’Logout’); echo anchor(‘users/profile’,’Profile’ . ‘&nbsp;[‘ . $_SESSION[‘user_name’] . ‘]’); } else { echo anchor(‘user/login’,’Login’); echo anchor(‘user/signup’,’Signup’); } echo ‘&nbsp;’ . anchor(base_url(),’Home’); ?> </div> 1 solved Hide registration and login buttons when a user logged in? [closed]

[Solved] PHP Login & MySql Query

There are a few problems with your script. First off, you start by using PDO to connect to the database, then you use mysql_* functions (which are deprecated, stick to PDO !!!). Plus, you are not properly escaping your data, and your code is potentially vulnerable to SQL injection. Secondly, the query you are using … Read more

[Solved] Post a tweet automatically from a PHP webservice without userinteraction for multiple twitter accounts

You need more than just the twitter IDs to post on their behalf. They will have to authenticate the application first. This generates two tokens OAuthToken and OAuthTokenSecret, which can be stored in your database back-end and consequently, be used from your PHP back-end to post on behalf of the user, till the user deauthorizes … Read more

[Solved] Java – log in, store users in database

I think you’re looking for something like spring-security or app server proprietary ways of authenticating users stored in a database (like Tomcat’s JDBCRealm). But frankly, if you know nothing about spring-security or even spring, and want to avoid proprietary solutions, writing your own servlet filter which goes to the database is quite an easy solution. … Read more

[Solved] How to Skip LauncherActivity and call another Activity when application start

You can use SharedPreference for achieving this. You need to implement the logic in your SplashActivity. You need to check whether already logged in or not using the value stored in shared preference and show next activity based on that. In your SplashActivity (Where you launch the login activity), add the logic like: // Retrieving … Read more

[Solved] How does LDAP work in ASP.NET Boilerplate? [closed]

LDAP/Active Directory LdapAuthenticationSource is an implementation of external authentication to make users login with their LDAP (active directory) user name and password. If we want to use LDAP authentication, we first add Abp.Zero.Ldap nuget package to our project (generally to Core (domain) project). Then we should extend LdapAuthenticationSource for our application as shown below: public … Read more

[Solved] Why does my Rails app think I’m CSRF?

Your problem is in the User model: before_save :create_remember_token def create_remember_token self.remember_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 end This will modify the remember_token whenever the user is saved – that is, when the user is created or updated. And when a user updates his/her profile, the remember_token is changed. This causes the login system to notice that the … Read more

[Solved] Why my Firebase Realtime Database is only saving 1 user [closed]

Firebase allows to store information of multiple users in firebase realtime database but only as authenticated users. I think you have not signout from your first user. That is why, its saving only one user. Have you created a signout button and have you done something like this : FirebaseAuth mAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance(); mAuth.signOut(); 9 … Read more

[Solved] Notice: Undifined variable: [value] [duplicate]

You do not check if the following variables are set before you assign them. $_POST[‘naam’] $_POST[‘wacht’] As you did with $_POST[‘login’] you can use isset to check they exist before assignment. if (isset($_POST[‘naam’] && isset($_POST[‘wacht’]) { // Do something… } In addition to this in the query you are using the variables $gebruikersnaam and $wachtwoord … Read more

[Solved] Notice: Undifined variable: [value] [duplicate]

Introduction This question is related to a common issue encountered when programming in PHP. The error message “Notice: Undefined variable: [value]” indicates that a variable has been used in the code without being declared or assigned a value. This can lead to unexpected results and can be difficult to debug. In this post, we will … Read more

[Solved] User/Admin login in PHP

Could you try this out? $conn = mysql_connect (“localhost”, “root”,””); mysql_select_db(“a_blub”,$conn); $result = mysql_query(“SELECT password FROM user WHERE username=””.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[“theusername’]).”‘ LIMIT 1”, $conn); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if ($_POST[‘thepassword’] == $row[‘password’]) { if ($row[‘admin’] == 1) { header(“Location: hit-counter.php”); exit; } else { header(“Location: index_loginsuccesful.php”); exit; } } else { header(“Location: index_loginfailed.php”); exit; } 2 solved User/Admin … Read more