[Solved] Handle many API requests in parallel vs async/await [closed]

If you have 100 I/O-bound operations, then the 100 operations as a whole are still I/O-bound. CPU-bound is reserved for things that take a non-trivial amount of CPU time. Yes, technically incrementing a counter and starting the next I/O operation does execute CPU opcodes, but the loop would not be considered “CPU-bound” because the amount … Read more

[Solved] C# Asynchronous Server Sockets – Thread-Safety/Performance (MMO Gaming) [closed]

The first thing I want to mention, since I believe it is answers the root of your question, is that your performance (latency, concurrent connection capacity, etc) is going to be largely defined by the hardware you are running this software on and the network performance for each specific client. Software can improve some things … Read more

[Solved] Pytorch crashes cuda on wrong line

I found an answer in a completely unrelated thread in the forums. Couldn’t find a Googleable answer, so posting here for future users’ sake. Since CUDA calls are executed asynchronously, you should run your code with CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1 python script.py This makes sure the right line of code will throw the error message. solved Pytorch crashes … Read more

[Solved] how to return method which has task return type

You could use Task.Run() to start and get a reference to a new Task: public IdentityResult Validate( AppUser item ) { IdentityResult result; // do stuff return result; } public override Task<IdentityResult> ValidateAsync( AppUser item ) { return Task.Run( () => Validate(item) ); } solved how to return method which has task return type

[Solved] Awaited method call doesnt appear to complete [closed]

The problem is you have two separate tasks running that call ShowProgressText. Task.Run() is not something you normally use unless you are interfacing with code that does not use the C# async/await pattern. So perhaps LoadRapport could be like this: bool IsCompleted; string LogText; private async Task LoadRapport() { LogText = “Disable Replication”; IsCompleted = … Read more

[Solved] how to use async and await on a method that is time comsuming [closed]

To be able to await MyTimeConsumingTask it must be declared to return a Task. public async Task<SimeType> MyTimeConsumingTask() Since you said it does some network IO, you can rewrite it using async NW IO methods and then await it as var MyResult = await MyTimeConsumingTask(MyClassProperty); But in your case the simplest approach seems to be … Read more

(Solved) Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? – Asynchronous code reference

Introduction Asynchronous code is a type of programming that allows multiple tasks to be executed simultaneously. This type of code can be difficult to debug, as it can be difficult to determine why a variable is not being altered after it has been modified inside of a function. In this article, we will discuss the … Read more

(Solved) Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? – Asynchronous code reference

One word answer: asynchronicity. Forewords This topic has been iterated at least a couple of thousands of times, here, in Stack Overflow. Hence, first off I’d like to point out some extremely useful resources: @Felix Kling’s answer to “How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?”. See his excellent answer explaining synchronous and … Read more

(Solved) How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?

→ For a more general explanation of asynchronous behaviour with different examples, see Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? – Asynchronous code reference → If you already understand the problem, skip to the possible solutions below. The problem The A in Ajax stands for asynchronous. That means sending … Read more