[Solved] Get data from datatable into a string in asp.net
I had got it using, Thanks fo the effort. String t1 = dt.Rows[0][1].ToString(); solved Get data from datatable into a string in asp.net
I had got it using, Thanks fo the effort. String t1 = dt.Rows[0][1].ToString(); solved Get data from datatable into a string in asp.net
What a pity you didn’t write the classes! You seem to have an IQueryable sequence of ta_kegiatan_renja objects, and you assume that every ta_kegiatan_renja object has a property Kd_Urusan. The error says that a ta_kegiatan_renja doesn’t have such a property. The requirement you wrote has nothing to do with the code that you gave us, … Read more
By message box I’m assuming you mean a javascript alert. I’m not a big fan of posting back with javascript functions. I think its messy, and that javascript should only be used when dealing with client-side actions. I would actually recommend to use a placeholder and a literal control for this. You could have the … Read more
In my experience, DIV’s are not registered to the server like ASP controls are so calling them directly would produce bad results. When making changes to the controls, i.e. adding styles, make sure you tell ASP what kind of control you have. For example: HtmlGenericControl _fail = (HtmlGenericControl)Page.FindControl(“fail”); _fail.Style.Item(“visibility”) = “hidden”; Edit: The problem lies … Read more
The web page is sitting on the client side web browser. When you click a button, the whole page is sent up to the server. Now you code behind can not only run, but modify controls, and does whatever you want. Once all that code is run, then the browser page is sent back down … Read more
You can use Query String & Cookies Example for Query String : Passing value.. private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Value sent using HttpResponse Response.Redirect(“Form1.aspx?Name=”+txtName.Text); } Getting value using Query String.. if (Request.QueryString[“Name”]!= null) // null checking lbl_Name.Text = Request.QueryString[“Name”]; 3 solved How to transfer data from one page to another page in … Read more
Not knowing which RDBMS you’re using and if you’re coding in C# or VB.Net I can only point you in a general direction. Here are a couple of links: Working with binary large objects (BLOBs) (C# using ADO.NET) Writing BLOB Values to a Database (VB.Net using ADO.NET) Save files in database with entity framework (C# … Read more
You can use a dictionary to parse a JSON object with custom property names: public class Test { public string col1 { get; set; } public string col2 { get; set; } } public class DataValue { public Test test { get; set; } } public class RootObject { public RootObject() { this.data = new … Read more
Use these methods to generate urls relative to pages that you execute them within: this.Page.ResolveUrl this.Page.ResolveClientUrl this.Page.ResolveUrl(“~/Uploads/Picture/Commodities/1390/11/TumbDesert.jpg”); this.Page.ResolveClientUrl(“~/Uploads/Picture/Commodities/1390/11/TumbDesert.jpg”); solved How Get relative path [closed]
The method db.Personer.Add() expects you to pass in an object of type Personer but you are passing in two strings. You need to create a new Personer object, set any properties you want, then pass that to db.Personer.Add() 1 solved the best overloaded method match for x has some invalid arguments (two more errors)
You’re describing Web Forms, which is another part of ASP.NET, but not part of ASP.NET MVC. The calling of stored procedures has nothing to do with any of these technologies. Some people choose to put such calls in their Controller or Code-Behind rather than having it in a separate data layer. 2 solved stored procedures … Read more
You can’t using client side code to generate server side code. By the time the browser has generated the ASP, the server will have finished running the ASP and sent the result to the browser. The error report probably has to do with you attempting to use ASP tags inside a script element. 4 solved … Read more
The roll number string in your where clause needs to be delimited as a string. This line query = query + ” ” + “WHERE rollNo=” + “2K12-BSCS-37″; should be replaced with query += ” ” + “WHERE rollNo=” + “‘2K12-BSCS-37′”; Note the single quotes. Better still would be to use string format to build … Read more
A regular expression to validate if a string starts with a single letter A-Z in any case and has 1 or more digits and nothing else is: ^[A-Za-z]\d+$ Explanation: ^ … beginning of string (or beginning of line in other context). [A-Za-z] … a character class definition for a single character (no multiplier appended) matching … Read more
The DataTable class has a Merge method, which returns a new DataTable that you can use as your datasource: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fk68ew7b.aspx 3 solved How to transfer two datatable into gridview? [closed]