[Solved] Razor parser isn’t parsing?

The editor syntax parser conflict. @ViewBag.IsTrue is not a correct variable in javascript. But execution is actually correct. If you mind,may be using the code like following: <script> function check() { var Not = false; //Doing something… if (Not) { window[“@ViewBag.IsTrue”] = false; } else{ window[“@ViewBag.IsTrue”] = true; } </script> to make it working well. … Read more

[Solved] How to Implement Audit trial in ASP.NET MVC [closed]

Define the business scenarios that need to be audited. Identify the code entry points where those scenarios happen Design the audit data model based on what data you want/need to store Write data in your audit table/tables on the previously identified code entry points This answer is intentionally vague. Auditing is not something that ASP.NET … Read more

[Solved] want list Object [closed]

Your class ‘ZillowListingConnections’ should be – [XmlRoot(ElementName = “ListingConnections”)] public class ListingConnections { [XmlElement(ElementName = “MlsIdentifier”)] public string MlsIdentifier { get; set; } [XmlElement(ElementName = “ListingId”)] public List<string> ListingId { get; set; } } Sample Code public static void Main(string[] args) { var listingConnections = new ListingConnections(); listingConnections.MlsIdentifier = “test”; var ListingIds = new List<string>(); … Read more

[Solved] Update Models in Controller with Linq to Sql [closed]

You could write your own implementation by iterating through properties with reflection (e.g. konut.GetType().GetProperties() and then iterate through all properties and setting them for Db model) or you could use some 3rd party tools to do mapping for you. For example AutoMapper (https://automapper.org/) or ValueInjecter (https://github.com/omuleanu/ValueInjecter). They both do pretty good job, although I think … Read more

[Solved] Datetime field in MVC Entity Framework

DateTime picker can be implemented using jQuery’s date time picker. Or if you want an inbuilt MVC datetime picker, modify your code as : Field: [DataType(DataType.Date)] public DateTime EnrollmentDate { get; set; } and then in view <div class=”form-group”> @Html.LabelFor(model => model.EnrollmentDate , htmlAttributes: new {@class = “control-label col-md-2″ }) <div class=”col-md-10”> @Html.EditorFor(model => model.EnrollmentDate … Read more

[Solved] Updating Partial Views From Controller in .Net MVC [closed]

You can use Jquery Ajax for this Try something like this.. $(‘#Yourbutton’).on(‘click’, function(){ $(‘#yourdiv’).empty(); $.ajax({ url: ‘@Url.Action(“YOUR Action”, “YOUR Controller”)’, dataType: ‘html’, cache: false, async: true, data : {Yourparam1:value ,YourParam2:value } success: function(result){ $(‘#yourdiv’).append(result); } }); }); Here I assume that there is a div in your page to hold partial view data 5 solved … Read more

[Solved] How to write a Linq to entity statement, using sql not in operator [duplicate]

You can write something like that: var query = myEntities.Groupeusers .Where(gu => !myEntities.Utilisateur.Any(ut => ut.idgroupe == gu.idgroupe)).ToList(); That should work. EDIT: Try that query instead: var query = myEntities.Groupeusers .Where(gu => !myEntities.Utilisateur .SelectMany(ut=>ut.Groupeuser) .Any(gu => gu.Idgroupe == gu.Idgroupe)).ToList(); OR maybe even better: var query = myEntities.GroupeUsers .Except(myEntities.Utilisateur.SelectMany(ut => ut.Groupeuser)) .ToList(); EDIT2: If I understand your … Read more