[Solved] How to get numbers out of string into array [duplicate]

You can use String#match with a RegExp. You can use Array#map afterwards to convert the strings to numbers if needed. var str=”156p1m2s33c”; var numbers = str.match(/\d+/g); console.log(numbers); What’s wrong in your code: cust_code and url are not part of the function. Refer to str. You declare prodId twice. You don’t handle the number between “s” … Read more

[Solved] What are C++ arrays in PHP? [closed]

You could just use explode(“,”,$list_of_emails) and then loop over the resulting array of email addresses to do your sending. You could also probably do this in bash with cut and/or xargs. solved What are C++ arrays in PHP? [closed]

[Solved] vector a[n] allocated in stack or heap? Difference between the declarations vectora(n) and vectora[n]? [duplicate]

vector<int> adj[n]; This is not legal C++ code, you are not allowed to declare a dynamicaly sized array on the stack like this. It’s also probably the cause of your issue, as making such a huge allocation on the stack can cause some major issues. You should use the following instead: vector<vector<int>> adj(n); 6 solved … Read more

[Solved] delete the last items of an array [closed]

Could use array_shift / array_unshift, but since the logic seems upside down, you could use something like <?php $apparentDB = array(“1” => “Jason” , “2” => “Jimmy” , “3” => “Christopher” , “4” => “Bruce” , “5” => “james” , “6” => “Mike” , “7” => “Brad” ); /* You can add it one by … Read more

[Solved] Comparing two files in perl [closed]

the code maybe looks like this: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my @array = (‘1′,’2′,’3′,’5′,’6’); my @array2 = (‘1’, ‘3’, ‘7’, ‘6’); for my $item(@array2) { if (grep($_ == $item, @array) > 0) { print “$item, Match\n”; } else { print “$item, Not Match\n”; } } Output 1, Match 3, Match 7, Not Match 6, … Read more

[Solved] How to generate the combinations of the following in js

okay so after spending sometime i figured it out options = [‘color’, ‘size’]; optionsValues= [[‘Red’,’Blue’], [‘L’, ‘XS’]]; function combination() { var r = [], arg = arguments[0], max = arg.length-1; function helper(arr, i) { for (var j=0, l=arg[i].length; j<l; j++) { var a = arr.slice(0); // clone arr var obj = {}; obj[options[i]] = arg[i][j]; … Read more

[Solved] Grouping JavaScript array with sum

Do it like this: var array = [{t_id:”1″,val1:”1″,title:”cash to purchase”,unit:”bag”},{t_id:”1″,val1:”1″,title:”cash to purchase”,unit:”bag”},{t_id:”1″,val1:”1″,title:”cash to purchase”,unit:”bag”},{t_id:”2″,val1:”4″,title:”offload”,unit:”bag”},{t_id:”2″,val1:”5″,title:”onroad”,unit:”bag”},{t_id:”3″,val1:”5″,title:”Onroad”,unit:”bag”},{t_id:”3″,val1:”6″,title:”Onroad”,unit:”bag”}]; var grouped = []; array.forEach(function(o) { var count = 0; if (!this[o.t_id]) { this[o.t_id] = { t_id: o.t_id, val1: 0, title: o.title, counter: count }; grouped.push(this[o.t_id]); } this[o.t_id].val1 += Number(o.val1); this[o.t_id].counter += Number(++count); }, Object.create(null)); console.log(grouped); Now in HTML show like … Read more