[Solved] Combining two single dimensional arrays in a 2D array in c#

Introduction This tutorial will provide a step-by-step guide on how to combine two single dimensional arrays into a two-dimensional array in C#. We will discuss the different methods of combining the two arrays, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. We will also provide code examples to illustrate the different approaches. By … Read more

[Solved] Compiler Crash with C++ Array

Introduction Compiler crashes can be a frustrating experience for C++ developers. When a compiler crashes, it can be difficult to determine the cause of the crash and how to fix it. In this article, we will discuss a common compiler crash related to C++ arrays. We will discuss the causes of the crash, how to … Read more

[Solved] why pointer variable with asterisk and without asterisk behave differently in printf?

When you declare char string[]=”Hello” you declare an array of characters. string points to the first element of the array. * is known as the dereferencing operator. Suppose ptr is an integer pointer. *ptr will give you the content of the memory location pointed by the pointer ptr. At the time of declaration you have … Read more

[Solved] input class object into array of objects [closed]

You don’t need new there, because you have an array of actorData and not actorData pointers, and the error is saying that it can’t convert actorData pointer to actorData. So replace this line: actorOrder[index] = new actorData(iNewOrder, sNewActor); with this: actorOrder[index] = actorData(iNewOrder, sNewActor); 0 solved input class object into array of objects [closed]

[Solved] Get PHP associative array from MySQL

Use mysql_fetch_assoc instead of mysql_fetch_row. GetRowFromDb(“`id`,`name`,`email`”, ” WHERE `id`=’1′”, “database1”, “table1″); function GetRowFromDb ($column, $condition, $database, $table) { $target=”`$database`.`$table`”; $query=”SELECT $column FROM $target $condition”; $indexedrow=mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($query)); return $indexedrow; } solved Get PHP associative array from MySQL

[Solved] array value by jQuery

$(document).ready(function(){ var arr = [“2″,”4″,”6″,”8″,”10”]; var index = [“1″,”5″,”9″]; var arrIndex = index.map(function(value){ return arr.indexOf(value); }) console.log(arrIndex); }) <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> 1 solved array value by jQuery

[Solved] How to tackle my JavaScript homework? [closed]

You could transform your list of words by a list of their length with map() and sort them from the longest to the shortest then just keep the first : var list = [“pain”, “poire”, “banane”, “kiwi”, “pomme”, “raisin”] var result = list.map(x => x.length).sort((a,b) => a < b)[0]; console.log(result); Or if you don’t want … Read more