[Solved] Write a program that prints the multiplication of two selected numbers from a line [closed]

You can run something like this: int numOfLines; //stores num of lines that will be inputted Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in); //assuming you already imported before this numOfLines = reader.nextInt(); //captures 1st user inputted value int[] nums = new int[numOfLines]; //creates array object to captures all further values for (int i = 0;i<numOfLines-1;i++){ nums[i] = … Read more

[Solved] how to convert user input of string to object in javascript

As per your question, assuming the user enters text strictly in the format code: x code: y code: z available to you as a string, you may do something like: `code: 2a31sdd23 code: asdw12ds3 code: 213sad123` .replace(/[\r\n]*/g,”) .replace(/code:\s+/g,”) .replace(/[\s\t]+/g,’ ‘) .split(‘ ‘) .reduce((p,c) => {p.push({code: c}); return p}, []) // Output // [{code: “2a31sdd23”}, {code: … Read more

[Solved] JavaScript : How can I sort values in a dictionary to output matched values and ouput the values that don’t match showing an empty result

JavaScript : How can I sort values in a dictionary to output matched values and ouput the values that don’t match showing an empty result solved JavaScript : How can I sort values in a dictionary to output matched values and ouput the values that don’t match showing an empty result

[Solved] Remove character from json string

string json = “{Table1: [{\”PropertyTaxReceiptAmt\”:\”2200170.00\”,\”WaterTaxReceiptAmt\”:\”79265.00\”}]}”; json = json.Replace(“\\”, string.Empty); json = json.Trim(‘”‘); json = json.Replace(“{Table1:”, string.Empty); json = json.Remove(json.Length -1,1); Console.Write(json); 1 solved Remove character from json string

[Solved] I want to remove repetative elements of an array without using any in-built methods of javascript. When remove a then with a, A also to be removed

I want to remove repetative elements of an array without using any in-built methods of javascript. When remove a then with a, A also to be removed solved I want to remove repetative elements of an array without using any in-built methods of javascript. When remove a then with a, A also to be removed

[Solved] How to find the random index in an array?

This is pretty easy. As you already completed step 1 and 2 you just have to ask the user for an input, search your array and output the index, if the input matches a value in the array. public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); Random random = new Random(); int[] … Read more

[Solved] Why does the array keep reverting to 0

You declare unsigned short hex_v_info (2 bytes on my system), then read data from with fscanf(fp ,”%x”, &hex_v_info) where the format string %x expect the address of an int (4 bytes on my system). This will certainly overwrite data unexpectedly. unsigned short **v_info but you store an array of int [s_votes]. If your pointers are … Read more

[Solved] Get specific data from a string? C#

I solved it!! Thank your comments and suggestions..I’ll improve the way I question.. HAHAH I hope you guys and gals get the logic. Quite simple 🙂 string group = “|17|11|05|”; string[] words = group.Split(‘|’); foreach (string word in words) { if (word.ToString() != “”) { string cg = word; } } 1 solved Get specific … Read more

[Solved] Search in Objects without loops

With the updated structure with an object, you could use the given keys directly, without iterating. All you need is the right property accessor. object.property // dot notation object[‘property’] // bracket notation var scheduleFee = { poor: { level1: 25, level2: 25, level3: 25 }, good: { level1: 15, level2: 20, level3: 25 }, vgood: … Read more

[Solved] Sign in form always showing “Wrong Credentials”

Your SQL query/logic is completely wrong. What you should do is check if that user and password combination exits in database using WHERE clause. But actually you are doing is fetching each row and checking for equality. In such situation you can also get n numbers of wrong credentials. $query = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM table … Read more

[Solved] PHP insert Tag CSS in arrays [closed]

If I’ve got your question then you might be looking for the following thing $array = array(‘one’ => Array ( ‘count’ => 2 ), ‘two’ => Array ( ‘count’ => 2 ), ‘three’ => Array ( ‘count’ => 2 )); foreach($array as $key => $value){ echo “<span class=”red”> $key <em>({$value[‘count’]})</em></span><br/>”; } 2 solved PHP insert … Read more