[Solved] When i type in one field then its auto type another field

The keyboard (and its layout) is usually managed by some layer of your operating system software (or some utility started by the OS). It could depend upon your desktop environment. On Linux, the keyboard layout is known to your display server (e.g. Xorg). There is no direct connection with AngularJs. If you use that, some … Read more

[Solved] implementing advertisement directive in angular js

app.directive(‘navBannerTop’, [‘NavBannerServiceTop’,’$rootScope’, function (nbs,$window) { return { restrict: ‘E’, //scope: true, scope: {}, template:’ <div><a href= “https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37075201/{{banner_link}}” target=”_blank”> <img ng-src=”{{zentieraUrl}}/assets/images/adBanner/{{banner_pic_url}}”></a></div>’, link: function ($scope,$element,$attr,$rootScope) { var imagePosition=$attr.imageposition; nbs.getImage(imagePosition).then(function(result){ $scope.banner_pic_url = result.data.banner; }); } }; }]); Finally I have solved the problem. First I create a directive. In that directive, I returned a template. The directive uses … Read more