[Solved] Split string by n when n is random

This article will discuss how to split a string by a random number. Splitting a string is a common task in programming, and it can be done in many different ways. However, when the number used to split the string is random, it can be a bit more challenging. This article will provide an overview … Read more

[Solved] function not stopping [closed]

This article will discuss the issue of a function not stopping when it is supposed to. It will provide an overview of the problem and explain the steps that can be taken to resolve it. It will also provide some tips on how to prevent the issue from occurring in the future. Finally, it will … Read more

[Solved] Javascript JSON array of objects to HTML table

The order is wrong. out is an object of arrays (not an array of objects). Here I fixed the order of access with the assumption, that all properties contain an array with the same length: function fetch() { return Promise.resolve({ json() { return Promise.resolve({ “name”: [ “John”, “Marie”, “Clara” ], “surname”: [ “Doe”, “Jane”, “Smith” … Read more

[Solved] Javascript JSON array of objects to HTML table

Introduction This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to convert a Javascript JSON array of objects to an HTML table. We will discuss the different methods of converting the array into a table, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. We will also provide code examples to help you get … Read more

[Solved] Loop data from query

Your json_decode() has a second parameter which determine the return type. By default, it will parse the JSON string into stdObject, while you access it using indexes which is wrong $server = Json_Decode(File_Get_Contents(“http://query.fakaheda.eu/”)); foreach($server->players_list as $player) { echo ‘<span class=”ipsGrid_span4″>’.$player->name.'</span>’; echo ‘<span class=”ipsGrid_span4″>’.$player->score.'</span>’; echo ‘<span class=”ipsGrid_span4″>’.$player->time.'</span>’; } To parse json string into array, use json_encode($jsonString, … Read more

[Solved] Loop data from query

Introduction Looping data from a query is a common task in programming. It is a process of iterating through a set of data and performing an action on each item in the set. This can be done in a variety of ways, depending on the language and the type of data being looped. In this … Read more

[Solved] Newbie need Help python regex [closed]

There are many different approaches to designing a suitable regular expression which depend on the range of possible inputs you are likely to encounter. The following would solve your exact question but could fail given different styled input. You need to provide more details, but this would be a start. re_content = re.search(“aid\: \”([0-9]*?)\”,\W*cmt_id = … Read more

[Solved] Newbie need Help python regex [closed]

Introduction If you are a newbie to Python and need help with regex, you have come to the right place. Regex (or regular expressions) is a powerful tool for manipulating text and can be used to search, edit, and manipulate text. This post will provide an introduction to regex and provide some helpful resources to … Read more

[Solved] algorithm sorting 1101001011

Initially C++ present in the tags… Test can be on cpp.sh #include <iostream> #include <vector> int main() { std::string algorithm_sorting (“1101001011”); std::vector <std::string> video = {“a1″,”a2″,”a3″,”a4”}; std::vector <std::string> picture = {“b1″,”b2″,”b3″,”b4”}; std::vector <std::string> result; size_t v = 0, p = 0; for(auto&x:algorithm_sorting) { if(x==’1′) { if(v < video.size()) result.push_back(video[v]); v++; } else { if( p … Read more

[Solved] algorithm sorting 1101001011

Introduction Sorting algorithms are a fundamental part of computer science and are used to organize data in a specific order. In this article, we will discuss a particular sorting algorithm known as the [Solved] algorithm and how it can be used to sort the binary sequence 1101001011. We will look at the steps involved in … Read more

[Solved] C Pointer of another pointer

In the printf call you’re casting the value of B to char *, but that’s not what you assigned to it. You assigned &A which has type char **. You need to either assign A to B: void *B = A; printf(“%p — %p — %s — %s”, (void *)&A, (void *)B, A, (char *) … Read more

[Solved] C Pointer of another pointer

Introduction A pointer of another pointer is a type of pointer that points to another pointer. This type of pointer is useful when dealing with complex data structures, such as linked lists and trees. It can also be used to pass pointers to functions as parameters. In this article, we will discuss the concept of … Read more

[Solved] PHP XOR operation two numbers

That is because you re hitting the MAXIMUM INTEGER LIMIT which is 2147483647 From the PHP Docs… The maximum value depends on the system. 32 bit systems have a maximum signed integer range of -2147483648 to 2147483647. So for example on such a system, intval(‘1000000000000’) will return 2147483647. The maximum signed integer value for 64 … Read more

[Solved] PHP XOR operation two numbers

Introduction The XOR operation is a logical operation in programming that compares two numbers and returns a boolean value. In PHP, the XOR operation can be used to compare two numbers and determine if they are equal or not. This tutorial will explain how to use the XOR operation in PHP to compare two numbers … Read more