[Solved] How to check what tag says for a password

I have also wanted to make login page. 1) For the input I want to trigger an event function to check if password is right so I say <input type = “password” id = “passwordInput”></input> <button onclick = “myfunction()”>Submit</button> 2) Now that I have the onclick, I need to make my function function myfunction() { … Read more

[Solved] how to print a string who contains variables, the string is contained is .json file? [closed]

I think you should develop more on your fundamentals, and try out your own code before asking a question here. I guess what you are trying to achieve can be done like this. import json with open(“example.json”, “r”) as f: json_content = json.load(f) message = json_content[“message”] variable = “var” print(message.format(variable=variable)) # prints # this is … Read more

[Solved] Php multi array foreach loop

I solved it , below code work fine $countryArray = array( ‘AD’ => array( ‘country_name’ => ‘ANDORRA’, ‘dial_code’ => ‘376’ ), ‘AE’ => array( ‘country_name’ => ‘UNITED ARAB EMIRATES’, ‘dial_code’ => ‘971’ ), ‘AF’ => array( ‘country_name’ => ‘AFGHANISTAN’, ‘dial_code’ => ’93’ )); foreach ($countryArray as $keys=> $arraycountry){ foreach($arraycountry as $key => $value) { if($value … Read more

[Solved] how to change php functions send result to jquery ajax [closed]

right code for this <? // http://huddak.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=cm_free&wr_id=3629 function remove_nr($str) { $reg_e = array(‘/\n/’, ‘/\r/’, ‘/\”https://stackoverflow.com/”, “/<\/script>/i”); $reg_p = array(‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘\\”‘, “<\/SCRIPT>”); return preg_replace($reg_e, $reg_p, $str); } ?> <script type=”text/javascript”> $(“#test1″).html( ” <? echo remove_nr( trim( db_cache(“main_top_naver_cache”, 300, “naver_popular(‘naver_popular’, 4)”)))?> ” ); </script> you can do time consuming php code to jquery loading. … Read more

[Solved] Why does this c++ program not function correctly?

Step through your code in order and you’ll see the problem: int main () { int a; int b; string number1; string number2; number1 = a; number2 = b; int output; output = a + b; getline (cin, number1); getline (cin, number2); cout << output; } You define four variables, fiddle with two of them … Read more

[Solved] is setw() and “\t” the same thing? [closed]

They have almost nothing in common. std::setw(int n) set the width of the next element that goes into the stream. So if you have things like: std::cout << “Hi,” << std::setw(12) << “there!”; This would print: Hi, there! ^^^^^^ <- 6 empty spaces were made here to fill the width If you set the width … Read more

[Solved] How to solve Error : else without a previous if [closed]

Use braces if a if/else block has multiple lines: if (choice==1) { printf(“Enter value of radius (cm) : “); scanf(“%f”, &radius); volume = 4/3 * pi * pow(radius,3); printf(“Volume of a sphere is %.2f”, volume); } else if (choice==2) { printf(“Enter value of voltage (volts) : “); scanf(“%f”, &volts); printf(“Enter value of resistance (ohms) : … Read more

[Solved] What’s wrong in my JAVA code? [closed]

Try this: public int caughtSpeeding(int speed, boolean isBirthday) { int noTicket = 0; int smallTicket = 1; int bigTicket = 2; if (isBirthday && speed <= 65) { return noTicket; } else if (isBirthday && speed >= 66 && speed <= 86) { return smallTicket; } else if(isBirthday && speed >= 86) { return bigTicket; … Read more

[Solved] Issue with Django template ‘ifequal’ [closed]

You need to compare to a string. Use this: {% ifequal smart_str(username).strip() “AnonymousUser” %} Here’s the Django documentation on checking equality with ifequal. Ensure your variable is a string, and one that’s trimmed of leading and trailing whitespaces as well. 5 solved Issue with Django template ‘ifequal’ [closed]

[Solved] Access B”i” variable inside loop

You cannot access variables like this. You have to define a List or an array int A = 0; int[] myIntArray = {1,2,3,4,5}; for (int i = 0; i < myIntArray.length; i++){ //Now you can access your array with the index A = myIntArray[i]; //This statement still does not make much sense } You should … Read more

[Solved] Stuck at this error: Incorrect integer value: ” for column ‘____’ at row 1

Query need to be like:- $sql = “INSERT INTO prodb.simplex_list (code, description, manufacturer, cost_per_unit, weight_per_unit, bar_code, ingredients_list, allergens_contains, allergens_may_contain) VALUES (‘$proCode’, ‘$proDescr’, ‘$proManu’, ‘$proCPU’,’$proWPU’, ‘$proBarCode’, ‘$proIngredients’, ‘$proAllergens’, ‘$proMayAllergens’)”; Note:- please stop using mysql_*. Use mysqli_* or PDO. Also this will work only when id field must be auto incremented. 8 solved Stuck at this error: … Read more