[Solved] JavaScript function not called from onclick attribute correctly

Your code doesn’t work because you have a big scope problem. onclick attributes can only target functions that are in the global scope. In your case, your function is not in the global scope. <script> $().ready(function(){ function submitDB() { alert(‘From function!’); } }); </script> should be <script> function submitDB() { alert(‘From function!’); } </script> Demo: … Read more

[Solved] Swfit- Check whether current time is between two time string

You can set the date formatter defaultDate for today, parse the date strings, create a DateInterval with the start and end date and check if it contains now Date(): extension Formatter { static let today: DateFormatter = { let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() dateFormatter.locale = .init(identifier: “en_US_POSIX”) dateFormatter.defaultDate = Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: Date()) dateFormatter.dateFormat = “hh:mm a” return … Read more

[Solved] how would i print all the names and scores of those users from a particular class?

Updating answer based on updated question: classdata = {} for data in schooldata: if classdata.get(data[‘class_code’]): classdata[data[‘class_code’]].append(data) else: classdata[data[‘class_code’]] = [data] print classdata To print class data (in orderly manner): for class_data in sorted(classdata): for person_data in sorted(classdata[class_data], key=lambda x: x[‘name’]): print person_data[‘class_code’], person_data[‘name’], person_data[‘score’] 15 solved how would i print all the names and scores … Read more

[Solved] Create a class that will hold a LINQ query?

I am trying to select a row [and in a comment…] I was trying to get the whole row which has several data types. Then you don’t need to Cast() or ToList(). If you want a single record, just fetch that single matching record: return database.Staff_Mod_TBLs .Single(staff => staff.Staff_No == staffNo); or, if you want … Read more

[Solved] Rails app have not exist [closed]

cPanel Shared hosting is not meant for Ruby on Rails work. You should go for a VPS. If you need something light, try Heruku. They are kind of shared hosting (PAAS) for Ruby on Rails and some other stacks. Plus, they also offer a free plan. 3 solved Rails app have not exist [closed]

[Solved] Removes non-vegetarian foods from a list of foods. [closed]

def veggie_r_ip(foods, curIndex): if(curIndex >= len(foods)): return curFood = foods[curIndex] is_veggie = curFood.split(‘|’)[2] if is_veggie == “False”: foods.remove(curFood) veggie_r_ip(foods, curIndex) else: veggie_r_ip(foods, curIndex + 1) def main(): foods =[‘Spicy Vegetable Moo Shu|1|True|140’, ‘BBQ Pork|1|False|920’, ‘Chicken Breast|1|False|920’, ‘Salad|1|True|920’] veggie_r_ip(foods, 0) print foods 1 solved Removes non-vegetarian foods from a list of foods. [closed]

[Solved] Math-pow incorrect results

Your question is very unclear; in the future, you’ll probably get better results if you post a clear question with a code sample that actually compiles and demonstrates the problem you’re actually having. Don’t make people guess what the problem is. If what you want to do is display a double-precision floating point number without … Read more

[Solved] How to change the local variable without its reference

This approach is hacky and fragile, but that interviewer is asking for it. So here’s an example for why C and C++ are such fun languages: // Compiler would likely inline it anyway and that’s necessary, because otherwise // the return address would get pushed onto the stack as well. inline void func() { // … Read more