[Solved] Sum of factorials in Java [closed]

This is where methods might come in handy. First an outer loop because you’re counting down (from 4, in this example). static final int NR = 4; //for example static void main(String[] args) { int total = 0; for (int i = NR; i > 0; i–) total += calculateFactorial(i); //i += j; is the … Read more

[Solved] Generate random number between given values Java [duplicate]

Put your values in an array or List and randomise the index value…for example public int randomValue(int… values) { int index = (int)Math.round(Math.random() * values.length); return values[index]; } You could also use a List and use Collections.shuffle For example… public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] values = {4,100,2,20}; System.out.println(randomValue(values)); List<Integer> … Read more

[Solved] Unfortunately App Has Stopped

i could see that there is difference between two arrays.. title = new String[] { “My Profile”, “Meet people”,”My Friends”,”Setting” }; // 4 values subtitle = new String[] { “”, “”, “” }; //3 values add one more value to subtitle array.. 7 solved Unfortunately App Has Stopped

[Solved] Console App error An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property

I agree with the other commentors- what’s really missing here is an understanding of what the static keyword means and what it means to instantiate objects. The specific issue here is that your Program class’s fields requires an instance before they can be accessed (Program and it’s fields are not static) while your Main method … Read more

[Solved] Convert VB to C# ‘GetCustomAttribute’

You just have to cast to MessageHandler: InstanceType = (MessageHandler)System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(Method, typeof(MessageHandler), false); The clue is in this part of the error message: An explicit conversion exists (is a cast missing?) 0 solved Convert VB to C# ‘GetCustomAttribute’

[Solved] UIImage IBAction Segue? [closed]

You can use remove all the subviews and attach new subviews if you really don’t want to use UINavigationController, but I advise against it. You can use navigation controller without exposing anything to the user. They don’t have to know you’re using one. If you want to attach actions to an image, it’s better to … Read more

[Solved] Big O Of Mod 20

Assuming that you can insert integers of any size, the complexity will be the same as the complexity of division. So it is O(log n) due to log n is the number of digits. Notice 1: If you can only insert 32 or 64 bit integers, the “complexity” will be O(1). Notice 2: Since computers … Read more

[Solved] how to write this in one line in python [closed]

Python’s with statement comes handy here. And its good habit to use it when you’re working with files, as it takes care of tearing down the objects, and catching exceptions too. You can read about it in the documentation. And here is how you would use with in your program: from sys import argv from … Read more

[Solved] Replacing sub-string of a String with another String in c

The sprintf command has the following declaration: sprintf(char *str, const char *format, …); your declaration in question is: sprintf(buffer+(p-str), “%s%s”, rep, p+strlen(orig)); The sprintf command writes to the character pointer str, the values rep and p+strlen(orig) in accordance with the format string “%s%s”. Essentially, it is simply combining (or concatenating) rep and p+strlen(orig) in buffer+(p-str). … Read more