[Solved] Could someone please go through this code line by line and explain it in Pseudocode or English

Some info on enumerate by typing help(enumerate) enumerate(iterable[, start]) -> iterator for index, value of iterable Return an enumerate object. iterable must be another object that supports iteration. The enumerate object yields pairs containing a count (from start, which defaults to zero) and a value yielded by the iterable argument. enumerate is useful for obtaining … Read more

[Solved] Print Location of a string [closed]

def printLocations(s, target): ”’ s is a string to search through, and target is the substring to look for. Print each index where the target starts. For example: >>> printLocations(‘Here, there, everywherel’, ‘ere’) 1 8 20 ”’ repetitions = s.count(target) index = -1 for i in range(repetitions): index = s.find(target, index+1) print(index) def main(): phrase=”Here, … Read more

[Solved] NoSQL && mongodb database

Aggregation Pipeline: A pipeline of predefined operators Some operators ($match, $project) can be executed in parallel when sharding is used very fast you can iterate over the output or use the $out operator to store it into a collection easy to develop and debug: Start with just one operator, look at the output, continue with … Read more

[Solved] Trouble with Inheritance c# [closed]

Remove the getter and setter of your private campusName and rename your public campusName to CampusName. Add following code in your Campus class public override string ToString() { return CampusName() + “\n is located at ” + ShowAddress() + “\n it has ” + Departments(); } You should write a base School class public class … Read more

[Solved] How Android launcher works? [closed]

When you click on app icon android package manager will check manifest file and find launcher activity which has intent filter for that and will search for action as Main and category as default. When it find that detail it will launch that main activity. 2 solved How Android launcher works? [closed]

[Solved] How to generate Random point(x,y) in Java [closed]

Take a look at article https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/util/java_util_random.htm. All you need to do is to generate pairs of floats in range (-1,1). You should use method nextFloat() from class Random. It will give you numbers in range (0,1). Then multiply it by 2 and subtract 1 and you will have numbers in desired interval. 0 solved How … Read more

[Solved] Counting down in increments of 5 [closed]

Two things: Fix the while condition: you are only interested in numbers above 20 You need to decrement the counter variable. See the changes below: while (counter > 20) { // Subtract 5 from the counter. counter -= 5; // Print the value of the counter on a line by itself. printf(“%d\n”, counter); } 0 … Read more