[Solved] What type of encoding this is? [closed]

This type of encoding is called Base64 – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64 You can decode it using base64_decode() function in PHP (as you can see it attached snippet) or online there – https://www.base64decode.org/ 3 solved What type of encoding this is? [closed]

[Solved] Notepad v.s. other platforms [closed]

I like using Sublime text. It’s very lightweight and extemely versatile :). You can install alot of free very creative plugins to help you coding too including some SVN plugins. To share your code another way i guess you could use something like github or tortoise SVN too. To work on thesame file online i … Read more

[Solved] date extraction through regex [closed]

Without regex: s = “20160204094836A” year = s[:4] day = s[4:6] month = s[6:8] print(year, day, month) With Regex: import re s = “20160204094836A” result = re.search(r”^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})”, s) year = int(result.group(1)) day = int(result.group(2)) month = int(result.group(3)) print(year, day, month) solved date extraction through regex [closed]

[Solved] Why does return not work?

Return works perfectly, it’s just that your code is not using it. The call to factorial(num) produces no output, just the return value. If you want to see it printed, add cout << factorial(num) << endl; 6 solved Why does return not work?

[Solved] When to use append?

You have a list for example [1, 2, 3] If you want to add another element use append: list = [1, 2, 3] list.append(4) solved When to use append?

[Solved] split String in an array

You can simply use the String#split method on any element of the array, whose delimiter can be any character. Here is an example where I chose : to be the delimiter. String[] information = { “Castiel Li:123-456-7890” }; String[] args = information.split(“:”); String name = args[0]; String phoneNumber = args[1]; solved split String in an … Read more

[Solved] How to use if inside an if in C# [closed]

Following updated question, here is another try … if ((entity.Price != 100000 && entity.Area != 2000 && entity.Number != 55) || (entity.Type != 3 || entity.Fraction <= 0.3)) { // Do stuff } Of course if you break those three statements out in to separate Boolean values that are appraised first then it is more … Read more

[Solved] Google Play Developer App Marketing Strategy-Why App download decreased after icon change?

I think that the main reason is people knew the product. If they start looking for it now, they see something that they don’t know as it has changed and will not download it as fast as before. If everyone is used to the icon, your downloads will increase. There is no ranking part that … Read more

[Solved] Why does this run into infinite loop? [closed]

The problem is in comparing to an unsigned number after an underflow. The size of the vector is 1. You subtracr 2, and get -1 mathematically. In unsigned math, however, you get a very large number, so your loop continues for much longer than you expected. To avoid situations like this, replace subtraction with addition: … Read more

[Solved] Object paths in javascript

So, in ASP.NET Boilerplate there are services that we use in controllers. This services can be used in JavaScript file such as var _tenantService = abp.services.app.tenant; In view (cshtml) when we click on submit button, form is being sent to app services. _$form.find(‘button[type=”submit”]’).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!_$form.valid()) { return; } var tenant = _$form.serializeFormToObject(); … Read more