[Solved] How does matlab compare two complex numbers?

The complex numbers are compared first by magnitude, then by phase angle (if there is a tie for the maximum magnitude.) From help max: When X is complex, the maximum is computed using the magnitude MAX(ABS(X)). In the case of equal magnitude elements, then the phase angle MAX(ANGLE(X)) is used. NaN’s are ignored when computing … Read more

[Solved] Python sort list by algorithm [closed]

Data = [ ‘<td>1</td>’, ‘<td>2</td>’, ‘<td>3</td>’, ‘<td>4</td>’, ‘<td>A</td>’, ‘<td>B</td>’, ‘<td>C</td>’, ‘<td>D</td>’, ‘<td>I</td>’, ‘<td>II</td>’, ‘<td>III</td>’, ‘<td>IV</td>’, ] lists, result = [], [] for i in range(0, len(Data), 4): lists.append(Data[i:i+4]) for currentList in zip(*lists): result += list(currentList) print result Output [‘<td>1</td>’, ‘<td>A</td>’, ‘<td>I</td>’, ‘<td>2</td>’, ‘<td>B</td>’, ‘<td>II</td>’, ‘<td>3</td>’, ‘<td>C</td>’, ‘<td>III</td>’, ‘<td>4</td>’, ‘<td>D</td>’, ‘<td>IV</td>’] solved Python sort list by … Read more

[Solved] (‘syntax %(name,name,name)’, )? [closed]

That’s not an error. When you do sys.stderr, you’re printing the representation of it, which is <open file ‘<stderr>’, mode ‘w’ at blah>. I’m not familiar with the sys module, so I’m not exactly sure what you should be doing. Here’s a link to the documentation on it however. solved (‘syntax %(name,name,name)’,

[Solved] Print command output [closed]

If you consult the documentation for printf in C and System.out.println in Java, you will see that they format output in different ways. This is because they are totally different, and I’m not sure why you expected them to produce the same results. If you want printf-style formatting in Java, consider using String.format() to format … Read more

[Solved] click function not working on class

In line number 7 you have done a mistake change //para.innerHTMl para.value Why because you are trying to access the textarea element which is having a attribute value not innerHTML to get the data. You can use innerHTML for ‘div’,’p’ tags etc. 1 solved click function not working on class

[Solved] Signal Correlation in python [closed]

You can use scipy.signal.resample for that. # Generate a signal with 100 data point import numpy as np t = np.linspace(0, 5, 100) x = np.sin(t) # Downsample it by a factor of 4 from scipy import signal x_resampled = signal.resample(x, 25) # Plot from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) plt.plot(t, x, label=”Original … Read more

[Solved] Subset Columns in R using which

What is wrong is that you are using the condition which(ff[,1:ncol(ff)]>2.5) to choose rows (we know that there is only a single row) rather than columns. Hence, ff[, which(ff[,1:ncol(ff)]>2.5)] would work. Or simply ff[, ff > 2.5] 3 solved Subset Columns in R using which

[Solved] How can my syntax error be fixed?

Corrected and working code import java.util.*; public class HDtest9 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { // have created infinite loop System.out.print(“Enter text: “); String sentence = in.nextLine(); System.out.println(“You have entered: ” + sentence); // to Print string System.out.println(“The total number of characters is ” + sentence.length()); … Read more

[Solved] Getting the size of a single String in a array of string in java?

package stackoverflow.q_24933319; public class FindLength { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] arr = {“abc”,”bgfgh”,”gtddsffg”}; System.out.println(“Array size is: ” + arr.length); for(String s : arr) { System.out.println(“Value is ” + s + “, length is ” + s.length()); } } } //Output: //Array size is: 3 //Value is abc, length is 3 //Value is … Read more

[Solved] Adding numbers and displaying a summary in c++ [closed]

This should help. Note I am using double for prices. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char name[50]; int page, pageSum = 0; double prtotal, prtotalSum = 0; int option; char answer; do { cout << “\n\nPlease enter your name: “; cin >> name; cout << “\n\nWelcome to Printworld ” << name << … Read more