[Solved] What is this operation in C?

Assuming ICANON is a bit-mask, i.e. an integer with bits set to represent some feature, that statement will make sure those bits are not set in c_lflag. This is often called “masking off” those bits. The operation is a bitwise AND with the bitwise inverse (~ is bitwise inverse). So, if the value of c_lflag … Read more

[Solved] How to use IN & NOT IN same query [closed]

You forgot to put the field name before “NOT IN” : SELECT * FROM users WHERE username IN (‘aniket27′,’deepakrajak’,’bhawana’,’Mehul13′,’sanchayeeta’,’shivajidutta’,’anamika_4a’,’parekh’,’anupamkumar’) AND username NOT IN (‘aniket27’) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 2 solved How to use IN & NOT IN same query [closed]

[Solved] the keyword “final” for BigDecimal.java [closed]

Immutable means, that class does not contain any method that would change it’s internal state. Example of immutable class: class ImmutableInteger { private final int value; public ImmutableInteger(int value) {this.value = value;} public int value() {return value;} public ImmutableInteger add(int a) { // instead of changing this state, we will create new instance with result … Read more

[Solved] How to make a list of variables

Why not use a dictionary for that? This way you could add and remove values in/from your dictionary just as you wanted. my_dict = { ‘var1’: 0, ‘var2’: 0, … } You can delete by doing my_dict.pop(‘var1’) if you need the value back or del my_dict[‘var1’] otherwise and add items with my_dict[‘var3’] = 0. 2 … Read more

[Solved] How to stop or disable portrait/auto rotate app in ios swift?

Try this : By User Interface Programatically Add this in appdelegate func application(_ application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask { return UIInterfaceOrientationMask(rawValue: UIInterfaceOrientationMask.landscape.rawValue) } 1 solved How to stop or disable portrait/auto rotate app in ios swift?

[Solved] Scrum, Possibly done wrong [closed]

I’m intrigued as to who “they” are in this line : “This really frustrates me and they won’t listen to me.” ? It reads as if you’re referring to the rest of the scrum team. If so, I suggest you need to get to a “we” footing as soon as possible and work on communication. … Read more