[Solved] Are this if statements equal? [closed]

Let us break it down. isset($_SESSION[‘id’]) == 1 The first part, the isset() call, will return a boolean value (true or false), depending on if the session id is set or not. When you compare an integer value with a boolean value, using the == operator, the integer will be coerced (or cast/type-juggled) into a … Read more

[Solved] Why this piece is outputting NAN (Not a Number)?

#define SQUARE(x) (x*x) may results in a negative value, e.g. cout << SQUARE(-1-2) << endl; gets resolved in -1 – 2*-1 – 2 and produces -1. It is much better to avoid macros, but if you use this one, make it #define SQUARE(x) ((x)*(x)) solved Why this piece is outputting NAN (Not a Number)?

[Solved] Twitter python scraping

This is because you scrape it manually, the page shows the first 20 members and loads (by the use of a AJAX call) more members dynamically if you scroll down. This behaviour does not happen when you perform a http request in python. As Arkanosis and Odi already suggested, use the Twitter API to make … Read more

[Solved] I need to execute a powershell script from C# and “type in” a response when the program prompts me

It’s unclear what you trying to achieve, but: The programm exits on the first error, hence the second command is not called Your code throws an error, because Test1 was not found, and I’d assume Test2 woudn’t be found, too The script, or command must exist Example: PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create(); ps.AddScript(“D:\PSScripts\MyScript.ps1”).Invoke(); More see Adding … Read more

[Solved] IF DIV color is red? [duplicate]

Yes can do this by using attribute change jquery plugin… As I can see you want an event to be triggered on color change automatically… So, your code will be something like this with its working example… $(“#myDiv”).attrchange({ trackValues: true, // set to true so that the event object is updated with old & new … Read more

[Solved] What’s wrong with my code in python? [closed]

print(result(20,20)) this only prints the result of 20+20 and does not save the result of the op into “result”, “result” is the name of the function. if you want to save the return value, answer = result(20,20) print answer if answer == 40: print (“we made it”) else: print (“Nooope”) take note that print result … Read more

[Solved] Improve condition check

You can just combine all four conditions into one using logical operators. For example by using logical and && and logical or ||. It could then look like: if ((first && second) || (third && fourth)) { return true; } Or with all conditions substituted: if ((Obj.getSource().equals(“abc”) && Obj.getDest().equals(“bcd”)) || (Obj.getSource().equals(“abd”) && Obj.getDest().equals(“gdc”))) { return … Read more

[Solved] Remove a character once

I don’t know I understand exactly what you want to do but from your example you mast want to remove last come. If there is always closing bracket ‘]’ at the end you can use; str = [str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@” ,]” withString:@”]”]; Hope this is what you are after. solved Remove a character once

[Solved] How to print string backward in C++? [closed]

Your initial array index points to \0, you need something like – for(int i=size-1; i>=0; i–) // <– like this or for(int i=size; i>0; i–) { cout<<input[i-1]; // <– like this } or you could use reverse #include <algorithm> // <– add this include std::reverse(input.begin(), input.end()); // <– reverse the input string. 6 solved How … Read more

[Solved] Objective-C: Improve function

The method can look like this: – (IBAction)button_increase_click:(id)sender { int number = [self.label_content.text intValue]; number++; self.label_content.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”%04d”, number]; } Update For increasing readability use camel case for ivar method and other names. It’s standard for iOS. – (IBAction)increaseValue:(id)sender { int number = [self.contentLabel.text intValue]; number++; self.contentLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”%04d”, number]; } 0 solved … Read more

[Solved] Finding the average [closed]

Since you only want the average of the HourlyEmp’s, you need to keep track of how many there are: double avg=0; int numHourlies = 0; //number of hourlyEmps you have found so far for(int i=0; i < Emp.length; i++) { if (Emp[i] instanceof HourlyEmp) { //just add up all the values for now … avg … Read more