[Solved] Max, Min and Step attributes

Old versions won’t support these attributes. Download latest version from notepad-plus-plus.org or click below link to download. https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/ Please see the difference of the attribute coloring between two versions of Notepad++ : Before installation: After installation: 4 solved Max, Min and Step attributes

[Solved] How to get variables using POST in PHP

It’s not possible to get variables from the URL as POST, you need to use GET. This is how they built it. POST variables are not accessible from the URL, its more secure, and are used for sending Usernames, Passwords. Refer this for more info. solved How to get variables using POST in PHP

[Solved] If you were an employer looking at a novice coder, what would you consider a complex enough project to consider them a capable programmer? [closed]

Plenty of well written questions and answers on StackOverflow would go a long way towards convincing me of both your ability to think critically and to communicate with a team. Companies in my time were happy if you could recreate a couple of dozen Unix command line filters. Nowadays that is not enough. Cross platform … Read more

[Solved] C# ASP arraylist gets cleared [closed]

The reason your statement fails is that you are trying to access elements beyond the collection’s bounds. When iterating through programEvents, you are assigning indexes to evectr ranging from 0 to programEvents.Count inclusive. However, since indexing is zero-based, the index of the last element is actually programEvents.Count – 1; accessing programEvents[programEvents.Count] would throw an IndexOutOfRangeException. … Read more

[Solved] Changing 3 lines of code to php from c# [closed]

You can achieve this that way , <?php $downloadTokenValue=”Youre Value”; $desiredFileNames=”Desired File Name Value”; setcookie(“fileDownloadToken”, $downloadTokenValue, time()+3600); header(“content-disposition: attachment;filename=$desiredFileNames”); ?> If you want to read that Cookie you can echo $_COOKIE[“fileDownloadToken”]; 0 solved Changing 3 lines of code to php from c# [closed]

[Solved] Connecting with 3 different databases [closed]

Yes you can do that, you have to go to your web.config file and write this. <configuration> <connectionStrings> <add name=”First” connectionString=”…”/> <add name=”Second” connectoinString=”…”/> <add name=”Third” connectionString=”…”/> </connectionStrings> </configuration> You have to change the name of each connection and the connectionString too. 0 solved Connecting with 3 different databases [closed]

[Solved] Date Picker noob [closed]

1: include JQuery and JQuery UI libs in your page’s header (between the HEAD and /HEAD tags): <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js” type=”text/javascript”></script> <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.23/jquery-ui.min.js” type=”text/javascript”></script> Add this code to your page after the BODY tag (copied from JQuery’s website): <script> $(function() { $( “#datepicker” ).datepicker(); }); </script> <div class=”demo”><p>Date: <input type=”text” id=”datepicker”></p></div> Now when you click the … Read more

[Solved] Javascript error1 [closed]

If the problem is that some event handler is still submitting data after showing an alert informing of a validation error, you’ll probably need to make the event handler function return false after showing the alert , in order to prevent further processing of the event. As pointed out by @Bergi in his comment, and … Read more

[Solved] Using substring in line C# [closed]

It means that the values you are passing to Substring are not valid for the string they are being called on. For example: string s = “hello”; string x = s.Substring(0, 1); // <– This is fine (returns “h”) string y = s.Substring(1, 3); // <– Also fine (returns “ell”) string z = s.Substring(5, 3); … Read more