[Solved] Maintaining state of a program

This is not black magic. The answer is by saving its data. You do this by putting it in a database, or writing data files. The trick is to write your programs in a way that makes it easy to guarantee that you’ve restored the state you thought you saved. A common approach is to … Read more

[Solved] How can I pause between two commands

There are ways to do this in .NET using the ServiceController class and avoiding any interaction with the shell. You can find those here:MSDN ServiceController If you’d prefer to invoke a process through the CMD, you can create two separate processes and call either Thread.Sleep(milliseconds) or Task.Delay(milliseconds) to wait. Additionally, make sure that after you … Read more

[Solved] Plotting from excel to python with pandas

Check out these packages/ functions, you’ll find some code on these websites and you can tailor it to your needs. Some useful codes: Read_excel import pandas as pd df = pd.read_excel(‘your_file.xlsx’) Code above reads an excel file to python and keeps it as a DataFrame, named df. Matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(df[‘column – x … Read more

[Solved] Duplicate contents of a TD [closed]

One way: $(“button”).click(function() { copy(); }); function copy() { $(‘tr’).each(function() { $(this).find(‘td :input:not(:first)’).val($(this).find(‘td :input:first’).val()).prop(‘checked’, $(this).find(‘td :input:first’).prop(‘checked’)) }) } <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <table> <tr> <td> <input type=”text” value=”abc” /> </td> <td> <input type=”text” value=”def” /> </td> <td> <input type=”text” value=”ghi” /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <select> <option> 123 </option> <option selected=”selected”> 456 </option> <option> 789 </option> </select> … Read more

[Solved] php function to refresh page with requested time [closed]

You can send a Refresh header to tell the page to refresh. Subtract 1 from the number of refreshes so it will count down. if (isset($_GET[‘refresh’]) && int($_GET[‘refresh’]) > 1) { $_GET[‘refresh’]–; header(“Refresh: $refresh_seconds; {$_GET[‘refresh’]}”); } where $refresh_seconds is how many seconds it should wait before refreshing. 1 solved php function to refresh page with … Read more

[Solved] How to get the contents inside alt? [closed]

Foreward You should really use an html parser for this, but you seem to have creative control over the source string, and if it’s really this simple then the edge cases should be reduced. Description <img\s(?=(?:[^>=]|=”[^”]*’|=”[^”]*”|=[^'”][^\s>]*)*?\salt=[‘”]([^”]*)[‘”]?) (?:[^>=]|=”[^”]*’|=”[^”]*”|=[^'”\s]*)*”\s?\/?> This regular expression will do the following: find all the image tags require the image tag to have … Read more

[Solved] How I could access to the Url of photo saved in the camera roll

Your question is extremely vague with nothing for us to work with. But in any case, I just created an app requiring that logic so I would just share with you func imagePickerController(picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : AnyObject]) { // Clear data if picture is repicked imageLocalURL = nil imageData = nil imageSelected = … Read more

[Solved] Printing pointer to pointer [closed]

You declared a as an array of int**, so *a is not a pointer to int but a pointer to pointer to int. Incrementing a pointer adds the size of the data type it points to, so ++*a advances the value at at a[0] by the size of a pointer. What you actually stored in … Read more

[Solved] JSON Object to Jquery select array [closed]

You can use Array.prototype.map() function. var o = {“tuple”:[{“old”:{“MST_VAS_TYPE”:{“MST_VAS_TYPE_ID”:”VAS_1000″,”VAS_TYPE_NAME”:”AMC”,”VAS_TYPE_DESC”:”Annual Maintenance Contract”,”CREATED_ON”:null,”CREATED_BY”:null,”MODIFIED_ON”:null,”MODIFIED_BY”:null,”@xmlns”:”http://services.vw.com/lpms/1.0/wsapp”}},”@xmlns”:”http://services.vw.com/lpms/1.0/wsapp”},{“old”:{“MST_VAS_TYPE”:{“MST_VAS_TYPE_ID”:”VAS_1001″,”VAS_TYPE_NAME”:”EW”,”VAS_TYPE_DESC”:”Extended Warranty”,”CREATED_ON”:null,”CREATED_BY”:null,”MODIFIED_ON”:null,”MODIFIED_BY”:null,”@xmlns”:”http://services.vw.com/lpms/1.0/wsapp”}},”@xmlns”:”http://services.vw.com/lpms/1.0/wsapp”},{“old”:{“MST_VAS_TYPE”:{“MST_VAS_TYPE_ID”:”VAS_1002″,”VAS_TYPE_NAME”:”COUPON”,”VAS_TYPE_DESC”:”Recall”,”CREATED_ON”:null,”CREATED_BY”:null,”MODIFIED_ON”:null,”MODIFIED_BY”:null,”@xmlns”:”http://services.vw.com/lpms/1.0/wsapp”}},”@xmlns”:”http://services.vw.com/lpms/1.0/wsapp”}],”@xmlns:SOAP”:”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”,”@xmlns”:”http://services.vw.com/lpms/1.0/wsapp”}; a= o.tuple.map(function(val){ var inner = val[‘old’][‘MST_VAS_TYPE’]; var ret = {}; ret[inner[“MST_VAS_TYPE_ID”]] = inner[‘VAS_TYPE_NAME’]; return ret; }) sel = document.createElement(“select”); document.body.appendChild(sel); for (var index in a) { obj = a[index]; for (var prop in obj){ option = document.createElement(“option”); option.text = obj[prop]; option.value = prop; … Read more

[Solved] Why does my App lags when scrolling UICollectionView (Swift)? [closed]

For the future, it is better to post the relevant code here rather than post an image of all the code. You can start off with changing the cellForItemAtIndexPath implementation. You are downloading the image in the method (as a synchronous implementation). So unless the image is downloaded by contentsOfURL: and rendered, the cell won’t … Read more