[Solved] transforming elements in array from numbers to string

Map over the array and assign each key value pair to a new object after converting it to a string. const array = [{abcd:1, cdef:7},{abcd:2, cdef:8}, {abcd:3, cdef:9}]; array.map(el => { const stringObj = {} Object.keys(el).forEach(key => { stringObj[key] = el[key].toString(); }) return stringObj; }) 1 solved transforming elements in array from numbers to string

[Solved] Better way to write this javascript filter code? [closed]

Depends on why you’re doing what you’re doing with this code. If you’re just trying to golf it, one way to make it shorter is to remove the definitions of the lambdas and call them inline. Something like below var numbers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; var greaterthanvalues = ((numbers, value) => numbers.filter((number) => number > value ))(numbers, … Read more

[Solved] Java: using .contains but returns two values [closed]

Possible solution In order to solve your problem, use string.startsWith() instead of string.contains(): if (order.startsWith(pizzaSize[0])) { /* medium */ } else if (order.startsWith(pizzaSize[1])) { /* large */ } else { /* unexpected input */ } This works because the first letter always indicates the pizza size. You can stick to using contains() for the toppings. … Read more

[Solved] Create Toast by a static method

Use this: public static void showToast(Context context, String text) { Toast.makeText(context, text, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } now for calling this method you should call like this: ClassName.showToast(context,”text”); Here classname is class that containing static method. 0 solved Create Toast by a static method

[Solved] Loading of scripts

It is really up to you if you want to execute your function after load the whole page you can do it. if you use jquery u can create this block which will execute ur function just after your page load. $(document).ready(function(){ // code will goes here }); 1 solved Loading of scripts

[Solved] change mysql to pdo and store result in variable

Try this: <?php $games_sql = “SELECT id,col1,col2,now FROM tblname ORDER BY now ASC LIMIT 9”; $sth = $conn->query($games_sql); $sth->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $gn=0; while ($game_get = $sth->fetch()) { $id = $game_get[‘id’]; $col1 = $game_get[‘col1’]; $col2 = $game_get[‘col2’]; $now = $game_get[‘now’]; $gametimeanddate = jdate(“l d M y time G:i”,$now); $gamedate = jdate(“l d M y”,$now); $gametime = jdate(“G:i”,$now); //SAVE … Read more

[Solved] sed, awk, perl or lex: find strings by prefix+regex, ignoring rest of input [closed]

If you won’t have more than one of the pattern on a single line, I’d probably use sed: sed -n -e ‘s%.*https://\([-.0-9A-Za-z]\{1,\}\.[A-Za-z]\{2,\}\).*%\1%p’ Given the data file: Nothing here Before https://example.com after https://example.com and after Before you get to https://www.example.com And double your https://example.com for fun and happiness https://www.example.com in triplicate https://a.bb and nothing here The … Read more

[Solved] Split characters and numbers from a string to array Javascript [closed]

try this: const reg = /([0-9.]+)(?![0-9.])|([a-z]+)(?![a-z])/gi console.log(“30000kg , 400lbs”.match(reg)); // –> [ “30000”, “kg”, “400”, “lbs” ] console.log(“30,000kg , 400lbs”.match(reg)); // –> [ “30”, “000”, “kg”, “400”, “lbs” ] console.log(“30.000kg,400lbs”.match(reg)); // –> [ “30.000”, “kg”, “400”, “lbs” ] console.log(“30.000KG.400LBS”.match(reg)); // –> [ “30.000”, “KG”, “.400”, “LBS” ] alternatively, if you want to trim the ‘.’ … Read more

[Solved] Operator ‘+’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘void’ C# WebMethod

HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect doesn’t return a string. I suppose you wanted to do: “<br /><a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63356491/CS_Activation.aspx?ActivationCode=”>Click here to change your password.</a>”; solved Operator ‘+’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘string’ and ‘void’ C# WebMethod