[Solved] Slot Machine in C (gotoxy)

You have infinite loops in all functions. If you enter one function you never return. Consider putting this while in main function. #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> … int main(){ srand( time(0) ); fnSlotMachine(); while(1) { fnSlot1(); fnSlot2(); fnSlot3(); } } … void fnSlot1(){ Sleep(50); fnGotoXY(5, 9); intSlot1 = rand() % 9; printf(” | %i %i … Read more

[Solved] Use memory on stack

why not the program crash, or print some random garbage? The program will not crash as you are not accessing any illegal memory. The stack memory is a part of your program and as long as you are accessing the memory in a valid range the program will not crash. Yes, you can modify the … Read more

[Solved] Javascript array of object to tree structure

something along the lines var obj_1 = {id:1, text:”Title 1″, checked: false, unitId:0, line: 0}; var obj_2 = {id:2, text:”Title 1.1″, checked: false, unitId:1, line: 0}; var obj_3 = {id:3, text:”Title 1.2″, checked: false, unitId:1, line: 1}; var obj_4 = {id:4, text:”Title 1.1.1″, checked: false, unitId:0, line: 1}; var obj_5 = {id:5, text:”Title 2″, checked: … Read more

[Solved] How do i join 3 tables in mysql? [closed]

The solution is to join on the common fields you already indentified: SELECT item_details.* FROM item_details JOIN item_detail_addon USING(Item_Details_Id) JOIN item_addon USING(Item_Addon_Id) If some fields on a table have the same name of a field on another table, you can get both by using aliases: SELECT table1.field1 as table1_field1 , table2.field1 as table2_field1 [ .. … Read more

[Solved] PHP: How to generate indexed name with string in file output?

Your want to fix all your current images to the correct format (See @ FĂ©lix Gagnon-Grenier answer), then once you done that you can do something like the following: //get array of current images $imgs = glob(UPLOAD_DIR.’*.png’); //select last image in array, strip out all non-alpha’s then pad it with 4 0’s $next = str_pad(preg_replace(“/[^0-9]/”,””, … Read more

[Solved] This C program wont compile/run? [closed]

Try this code #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <math.h> #define PI 3.141597 #define WAVELENGTH 70 #define PERIOD .1 int main() { float i,s,x; i = 0; for (i=0;i<=PI;i+=PERIOD) { s = sin(i); for (x=0;x<s*WAVELENGTH;x++) { putchar(‘*’); } putchar(‘\n’); } return 0; } 1 solved This C program wont compile/run? [closed]

[Solved] how do I cycle through background images by clicking a button?

You should also try this. Here conditions are written before setting CSS, which will check first and then assign the image path. $(document).ready(function() { var i = 0; $(“#n”).click(function() { i++; if (i > 13){ i = 1; }; $(‘body’).css(‘background-image’, ‘url(images/bg/’ + i + ‘.png)’); //if (i === 13){ i = 1; }; }); $(“#p”).click(function() … Read more

[Solved] Character Array Declaration and initialization [duplicate]

Per the online C2011 standard, it is not valid; you may not have an empty initializer list (see 6.7.9, Syntax). That doesn’t mean a specific implementation can’t offer an empty initializer list as an extension, but the utility would be unclear. Beyond that, the compiler has no way of knowing how much storage to set … Read more