[Solved] how to fix my php error? [closed]

You can’t have spaces or dashes in a variable name. $hear about = $_POST[‘hear-about’]; Should be $hearabout = $_POST[‘hear-about’]; or $hear_about = $_POST[‘hear-about’]; solved how to fix my php error? [closed]

[Solved] Python-Turtle: Turning list of Strings into a working code

#example of the list being used conundrum = [‘black pen’, ‘lift pen’, [‘go to’, -98, 132], [‘draw dot’, 10], ‘lift pen’, [‘go to’, -120, 137], [‘draw dot’, 10], ‘lift pen’, ‘thick lines’, [‘go to’, -55, 80], ‘lower pen’] #Import everything from the turtle library from turtle import * #Define the draw function def draw(test): home() … Read more

[Solved] How to rewrite URLs for readability [closed]

In your .htaccess file make sure you have RewriteEngine on and do the following: RewriteRule ^image/([0-9]+)$ image.php?id=$1 [L] For instance: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^image/([0-9]+)$ image.php?id=$1 [L] This is assuming you’re running a webserver that can handle .htaccess – you may also need to enable mod_rewrite Enabling this is dependent on the webserver you’re running, if … Read more

[Solved] Cannot modify header information – headers already sent in WordPress [duplicate]

add_shortcode(“snap”, “wpr_snap”); $user_ej = wp_get_current_user(); if ($user_ej->roles[0] == ‘contributor’) { ?> <style type=”text/css”> #menu-dashboard, #toplevel_page_wpcf7, #menu-tools { display:none; } </style> <?php } add_filter( ‘gettext’, ‘change_post_to_portfolio’ ); add_filter( ‘ngettext’, ‘change_post_to_portfolio’ ); isn’t inside a function. So it’s being called as soon as the file loads. This means all output is sent to the screen immediately This … Read more

[Solved] PHP script stops working after sometime

In system/core/Codeigniter.php, search for set_time_limit you got below line of code .You can change here set_time_limit in codignator if (function_exists(“set_time_limit”) == TRUE AND @ini_get(“safe_mode”) == 0) { @set_time_limit(300);// change it according to your requirment } As there was no other way to avoid changing the core file, as well as give the infinite maximum execution … Read more

[Solved] C# DateTime not working for MSSQL stored procedure [closed]

Lets work backwards here – your stored proc will never work, you have not specified a field for the where, and it has 2 missing close parentheses. select * from MyTable where between CAST(@startDate AS VARCHAR(100) and CAST(@EndDateAS VARCHAR(100) should be select * from MyTable where SOMEFIELD between CAST(@startDate AS VARCHAR(100)) and CAST(@EndDateAS VARCHAR(100)) In … Read more

[Solved] how to unique a data frame by the values in a specified column?

I created a sample data. Hope this is what you need df <- data.frame(names=c(‘A’,’A’,’A’,’A’,’B’,’B’,’B’,’C’,’C’,’C’,’C’,’C’),Length=c(1:12)) library(plyr) df2<- ddply(df, “names”, subset, Length==max(Length)) solved how to unique a data frame by the values in a specified column?

[Solved] Conditional operator in python dictonaries and set

Python 2 tries to provide a sort order for almost everything; dictionaries are no exception. Dictionaries are arbitrarily but consistently ordered when compared to one another to ensure that you can sort a heterogenous list that contains them. You should not derive any meaning from their comparisons, really. Python 3 abandoned the notion that all … Read more