[Solved] How to consume a json object in PHP

There are two steps to take: 1. load the JSON data 2. understand the JSON data 3. load the data in a database Your code appears to load the JOSN data using curl. In my experience, curl is powerful but complex for beginners. Probable file_get_contents() http://php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php works as well and is more easy. e.g. $json_data … Read more

[Solved] Windows7.1 SDK: C2373: “MonitorFromWindow” Redefinition

The error is telling you that your declaration of MonitorFromWindow conflicts with the prior declaration. The prior declaration in Winuser.h declared the function with extern “C” linkage, is __declspec(dllimport) and has the __stdcall calling convention. You should remove your erroneous declaration and use that from the header file. 15 solved Windows7.1 SDK: C2373: “MonitorFromWindow” Redefinition

[Solved] How Can i transfer the void to textbox? c#

If you want to assign something calculated in a method, then that method needs a return type. It should not be void. public string compute1(double n1, double n2, string opr) { var ans = “”; if (opr == “-“) { ans = (n1 – n2).ToString(); } return ans; } private void cmbOperator_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) … Read more

[Solved] What exactly the first argument `identifier` in Objective-C? [closed]

identifier parameter is a string you need to compare to. For example: NSString* yourString = @”Hello”; BOOL match = [yourString isEqualToString: @”aString”]; //currently returns NO //handle match value according to your needs, e.g with if-else syntax. if (match) { //YES flow } else { //NO flow } where @”aString” is a method parameter, named as … Read more

[Solved] How to get the specified output without combineByKey and aggregateByKey in spark RDD

Here is a standard approach. Point to note: you need to be working with an RDD. I think that is the bottleneck. Here you go: val keysWithValuesList = Array(“foo=A”, “foo=A”, “foo=A”, “foo=A”, “foo=B”, “bar=C”,”bar=D”, “bar=D”) val sample=keysWithValuesList.map(_.split(“=”)).map(p=>(p(0),(p(1)))) val sample2 = sc.parallelize(sample.map(x => (x._1, 1))) val sample3 = sample2.reduceByKey(_+_) sample3.collect() val sample4 = sc.parallelize(sample.map(x => (x._1, … Read more

[Solved] My C code for a genetic algortihtm is not functioning, it dosent enter into the if condition

The problem in your program comes from the subject selection (after adding the missing }): s=random_number_creator(5,0); Will return a random number between 0 and 4 included. To correct this, just replace this line by s=random_number_creator(7,0); To pick a number between 0 and 6. So the cou variable will be able to reach 0 Your code … Read more

[Solved] Get access to other classes [closed]

What are you trying to do looks dangerous to me. Try to understand what those classes are for and ask some advice from a colleague. He will definitely help you on that. You will not find an answer here because your situation is too specific and we have no sample code. Also, some OOP lecture … Read more

[Solved] Set PHP variable value from a Javascript Variable value without refresh [duplicate]

Actually php is server side scripting language (that runs at server) and javascript is basically client side programming language (which runs in the browser) so you can’t set a php variable from javascript. Look at these tutorials php and javascript. But using ajax (javascript) you can pass javascript variables to php and can use them … Read more

[Solved] Not able to fetch the individual details from JSON data

You don’t need to use foreach for this. You can just use Select-Object for this. Assuming your JSON is as @Mark Wragg linked in the comments: $Json = @’ [{ “Ns”: { “value”: [{ “Nname”: “exa”, “SR”: [{ “name”: “port1”, “properties”: { “description”: “Allow port1”, “destinationPortRange”: “1111”, “priority”: 100 } }, { “name”: “port1_0”, “properties”: … Read more

[Solved] Geeting data from post in PHP and insert into table [closed]

I think your query statement will be like this $query = “INSERT into AppointmentDataSync (ProviderNPI,PatientID,FileURL,FileType,DataSyncID) VALUES(‘”.$providernpi.”‘,'”.$patientid.”‘,'”.$fileurl.”‘,'”.$filetype.”‘,'”.$datasynid.”‘)”; EDIT mysql_query($query); printf(“Records inserted: %d\n”, mysql_affected_rows()); 8 solved Geeting data from post in PHP and insert into table [closed]