[Solved] Hide form in table application angular 2

I’m going to just go out on a completely random limb here and say you’re probably looking for [hidden]=”some Boolean statement” Your other option is: *ngIf=”some Boolean statement” Otherwise, your question is way too vague. I’d suggest maybe reading this solved Hide form in table application angular 2

[Solved] why wont this visual basic script work?

I don’t have enough points to comment. First off, as others have said we can’t recreate this since we have no idea what your Form looks like or what you are expecting it to do. Secondly, you should turn on Option Strict in the Compile section of Project properties to avoid technical errors like ProgressBar2.Increment(0.6) … Read more

[Solved] String or binary data would be truncated when using it in a stored procedure

You are trying to insert 5 length character(‘dfdfg’) into your 1 length column [Access] [nvarchar](1). Increase the value of your column in Table type. CREATE TYPE [dbo].[AccessLevel] AS TABLE( [RoleId] [int] NULL, [Access] [nvarchar](25) NULL, [IsDelete] [bit] NULL ) GO solved String or binary data would be truncated when using it in a stored procedure

[Solved] How can i find all the times between two given dates and time? [closed]

Gee, sometimes its fun to overengineer things. There is an Aggregate function which turns a list into a scalar value – lets create one that goes the other way public static class Extensions { public static IEnumerable<T> Explode<T>(this T value, Func<T,T> next, Func<T,bool> limit) { var n = value; while(!limit(n)) { yield return n; n … Read more

[Solved] How to keep edittexts values after calling another activity than back

Do not call Actvity A from Actvity B.Just Call OnBackPressed use the below code to get result from Actvity B In Activity A //Activity A calls Activity B Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), HayvanKartiList.class); intent.putExtra(“activityname”,BuzagiKayitActivity.class); intent.putExtra(“ciftlikoid”, ciflikoid); startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE); @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) { // … Read more

[Solved] Colour a button blue, with help of css [closed]

This should do .html with CSS <style> #moderationbuttons .buttonlist ul.nav { list-style-type:none; } #moderationbuttons .button_strip_0 { padding:5px; background-color: #0874d1; color: #fff; border-radius: 4px } </style> <div id=”moderationbuttons”> <div class=”buttonlist floatbottom” id=”moderationbuttons_strip”> <ul class=”nav nav-pills”> <li> <a class=”button_strip_0″> <i class=”fa fa-0 fa-fw”></i> Hello </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> 6 solved Colour a button blue, with help … Read more

[Solved] How can I subscribe to many NEST devices from many different users using a single Node.JS server

Firebase engineer here, The problem with this current approach is that Nest currently only allows a single token to authenticate at a time, and since Firebase clients cache authentication state once authenticated, in order to do this in a single process on one of said servers, you would have to auth, perform the operation, then … Read more

[Solved] Convert AJAX script to jQuery syntax [closed]

If you want all the code to be jQuery-style: $.ajax({ method: ‘POST’, url: ‘getTemplate?templateID=’ + str, dataType: ‘json’ }).done(function(data) { $(data).each(function() { $(“#messageBody”).html(this.templateBody); $(“#emailSubject”).val(this.templateSubject); }); }); solved Convert AJAX script to jQuery syntax [closed]