[Solved] Convert PDF to Excel [closed]

Getting data out from a pdf file is pretty messy. If the pdf table is ordered and has got a unique pattern embedded along with it, the best way to get the data is by converting the pdf to xml. For this you can use: pdftohtml. Installation: sudo apt-get install pdftohtml Usage: pdftohtml -xml *Your … Read more

[Solved] I am designing signup page, every time it displays your password dont match

Important note If you’re using this code for anything requiring real security (i.e. not just a student project) MD5 is not an appropriate hashing algorithm. Read through the OWASP advice to learn how to do this properly. Answering your question You have: $psd= md5($_POST[‘psw’]); $confirm_psd= $_POST[‘confirm_psw’]; if ($psd == $confirm_psd) { … which looks like … Read more

[Solved] stored procedure passing date parameter getting error

The problem is that you are building SQL in the proc, but you are not using the values in @startdate and @enddate, instead you are passing the string You need to grab the values of these variables when you build the string – something like: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ParkingDeatailsReport] @locid INTEGER, @startdate nvarchar(100), @enddate nvarchar(100) as … Read more

[Solved] How to create folder on server pc in C# [duplicate]

As explained in MSDN: Directory.CreateDirectory: You can create a directory on a remote computer, on a share that you have write access to. UNC paths are supported; Keyword here being “UNC paths”, which take the following form: \\server-name\share-name\[subdirectory-names\] So: Directory.CreateDirectory(@”\\server-name\share-name\NewFolder1″); 0 solved How to create folder on server pc in C# [duplicate]

[Solved] Copy header style from another site

So i tried Modifying the code and change the background to red and it works fine. i think the path of your image is the problem .main{ width: 100%; position: relative; } header{ text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden; position: relative; } .bg{ background:red; width: 2560px; height: 1354px; background-size: 2560px 1354px; background-repeat: no-repeat; position: … Read more

[Solved] Macro in Excel to Copy a Worksheet (by referencing every cell)

If you want to avoid the clipboard may I suggest R1C1 formula format: Sub fillsheet() Dim ows As Worksheet Dim tws As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Set ows = Worksheets(“Sheet1”) Set tws = Worksheets(“Sheet2”) Set rng = ows.UsedRange tws.Range(rng.Address()).FormulaR1C1 = “='” & ows.Name & “‘!RC” End Sub 1 solved Macro in Excel to Copy … Read more

[Solved] extract data from csv and rename files [closed]

First you must read the your CSV.. i suppose that is not too big, so do something like Dim MyCSV() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(“c:\my file.csv”) Then go ahead with a “For Each” line in your CSV For Each Line In MyCSV.ToArray Next In this For Each you must split the current line.. and i suppose … Read more

[Solved] Disable Uninstall button in android manageapplication

The only way to make your application uninstallable (well… You can’t really if the user is using a rooted phone) would be to install it directly in Android bundle, pushing it via ADB (while rooted) to the /system/app directory… Then, it’s in anyway possible for a dev with standard access to the users phone. 3 … Read more

[Solved] what am I doing wrong with this script [closed]

Remove _t_contient from the script and try. Create table contient( Num_Spect varchar(30) not null, Code_Module varchar(30) not null, constraints pk_contient primary key (Num_Spect,Code_Module), constraints fk_spect FOREIGN key (Num_Spect) REFERENCES specialite(Num_Spect), constraints fk_module FOREIGN key (Code_Module) REFERENCES module(Code_Module)); solved what am I doing wrong with this script [closed]

[Solved] jQuery return all Array [closed]

You’re overwriting templateArray in each iteration. Try .map() instead of each(): var templateArray = $.map(Basepath.Templates, function(tpl, i){ return { title: tpl.Template.name, src: ‘view/’+tpl.Template.id, description: tpl.Template.name }; }); console.log(templateArray); // now is only one array, containing template objects; 3 solved jQuery return all Array [closed]

[Solved] Java counting method? [closed]

do you want to get how many times a CD was borrowed? or who borrowed how many times? to check how many times the CD was borrowed in your public void borrower(String nameOfBorrower) { borrower = nameOfBorrower; borrowed = true; inStock = false; times++; } public int GetTimes() { return times; } 4 solved Java … Read more

[Solved] Check if n is in array [closed]

If I was developing this, I would: Keep all the words in a single set Skip the first question (you can determine word length by the length of the 2nd question) Set up a while loop for each question you ask the user so that it repeats the same question on invalid input. To check … Read more