[Solved] Printed JPG image with mirrored output [closed]

It seems, your original photo contains EXIF metadata records. Among others, it can contain additional instructions how to process the image before being shown. Some apps/SDKs do respect that instructions, others silently ignore EXIF – this is why you can receive such thing as mirroring etc. EXIF orientation values There are 8 possible EXIF orientation … Read more

[Solved] Delete specific subfolder under unknown folders from anywhere

I created a short powershell solution using this- $targetName=”ss s”; foreach ($file in Get-Childitem “G:\Project\Projects\” ) { $fname=$file.name; if (Test-Path “G:\Project\Projects\$fname\$targetName\”) { $shell = new-object -comobject “Shell.Application” $item = $shell.Namespace(0).ParseName(“G:\Project\Projects\$fname\$targetName”) $item.InvokeVerb(“delete”) } } This powershell script sends that folder to recycle bin after confirmation popup. (this won’t send any file named ‘ss s’) this seems … Read more

[Solved] How can I delete the Windows.old directory? [closed]

It’s pretty simple to remove: Click in Windows’ search field, type Cleanup, then click Disk Cleanup. Click the “Clean up system files” button. Wait a bit while Windows scans for files, then scroll down the list until you see “Previous Windows installation(s).” Select Previous Windows installation and anything else you want to remove and select … Read more

[Solved] Batch program not starting on Windows 10 [closed]

Batch Label should be defined as :desktop as opposed to desktop: and syntax for taking input from user is set /p desktopoptions= “Enter choice” ^Note the space after equals sign. while your code p /set desktopoptions= and there’s no such command named ‘quit’. I’d recommend if %desktopoptions%==1 goto serverstart if %desktopoptions%==2 goto exit :exit cls … Read more

[Solved] How can I get the file type of a download?

Put aside background transfer APIs, I think the first question actually you should know is “how to get the file extension from a download Uri”. For this,we need to consider several scenarios about the “Uri”. The download Uri does have a file extension followed, for example: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/Background-File-Downloader-a9946bc9/file/145559/1/BackgroundDownloader.zip. In this case, we can use Path.GetExtension method … Read more