[Solved] what is the most efficient way to get 1 or 2 day before the first day of week number and year in php with native functions [closed]

strtotime(‘2012W01 – 2 days’) for Saturday and strtotime(‘2012W01 – 1 day’) for Sunday since the week call is always going to return you a Monday. 2 solved what is the most efficient way to get 1 or 2 day before the first day of week number and year in php with native functions [closed]

[Solved] what is the most efficient way to get 1 or 2 day before the first day of week number and year in php with native functions [closed]

Introduction The question of how to get the day before the first day of a week number and year in PHP with native functions is a common one. Fortunately, there is an efficient way to do this using the native functions of PHP. This article will explain the most efficient way to get 1 or … Read more

[Solved] How to get week number from date input in javascript? [duplicate]

function getWeekNumber(thisDate) { var dt = new Date(thisDate); var thisDay = dt.getDate(); var newDate = dt; newDate.setDate(1); // first day of month var digit = newDate.getDay(); var Q = (thisDay + digit) / 7; var R = (thisDay + digit) % 7; if (R !== 0) return Math.ceil(Q); else return Q;} getWeekNumber(“07/31/2016”); 1 solved How … Read more

[Solved] How to get number of weeks by month in year?

As already mentioned NSCalendar has a method rangeOfUnit:inUnit:forDate:. The proper calendar units are CalendarUnitWeekOfYear and CalendarUnitMonth The result might be different for the locale and first weekday of the week settings. let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar() let weekRange = calendar.rangeOfUnit(NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitWeekOfYear, inUnit: .CalendarUnitMonth, forDate: NSDate()) let weekArray = Array(weekRange.location..<weekRange.location + weekRange.length) Swift 3: let calendar = Calendar.current … Read more