[Solved] what is the most efficient way to get 1 or 2 day before the first day of week number and year in php with native functions [closed]


The question of how to get the day before the first day of a week number and year in PHP with native functions is a common one. Fortunately, there is an efficient way to do this using the native functions of PHP. This article will explain the most efficient way to get 1 or 2 days before the first day of a week number and year in PHP with native functions. It will also provide an example of how to use the native functions to achieve this goal.


The most efficient way to get 1 or 2 days before the first day of a week number and year in PHP with native functions is to use the DateTime class.

First, create a DateTime object with the year and week number:

$date = new DateTime();
$date->setISODate($year, $week);

Then, subtract 1 or 2 days from the DateTime object:

$date->sub(new DateInterval(‘P1D’)); // subtract 1 day
$date->sub(new DateInterval(‘P2D’)); // subtract 2 days

Finally, get the date in the desired format:

echo $date->format(‘Y-m-d’); // output: 2020-01-05

strtotime('2012W01 - 2 days') for Saturday and
strtotime('2012W01 - 1 day') for Sunday since the week call is always going to return you a Monday.


solved what is the most efficient way to get 1 or 2 day before the first day of week number and year in php with native functions [closed]

Solved: What is the Most Efficient Way to Get 1 or 2 Days Before the First Day of Week Number and Year in PHP with Native Functions?

If you need to get the date of 1 or 2 days before the first day of a given week number and year in PHP, there are several native functions that can help you achieve this. The most efficient way to do this is to use the DateTime class and the modify() method.

The DateTime class allows you to create a date object from a given date string. You can then use the modify() method to subtract a given number of days from the date object. Here is an example of how to use this method to get the date of 1 day before the first day of a given week number and year:

$weekNumber = 12;
$year = 2020;

$date = new DateTime("$year-W$weekNumber-1");
$date->modify('-1 day');

echo $date->format('Y-m-d'); // Outputs: 2020-03-16

In this example, we create a DateTime object from the given week number and year. We then use the modify() method to subtract 1 day from the date object. Finally, we use the format() method to output the date in the desired format.

If you need to get the date of 2 days before the first day of a given week number and year, you can use the same approach as above, but modify the modify() method to subtract 2 days instead of 1:

$weekNumber = 12;
$year = 2020;

$date = new DateTime("$year-W$weekNumber-1");
$date->modify('-2 days');

echo $date->format('Y-m-d'); // Outputs: 2020-03-15

Using the DateTime class and the modify() method is the most efficient way to get the date of 1 or 2 days before the first day of a given week number and year in PHP.