[Solved] Deleting word from file evertime user enters a word to delete and writing the new array to a new file. C++

string space = ” “; int locate = -1; for (int j = 0; j < dictionarySize; j++) { if (space == d_newDictionaryArray[j]) { locate=j; break; } } //to locate where the element with space is stored if(locate!=-1) for (int i = locate; i < dictionarySize-1; i++) { d_newDictionaryArray[i] = d_newDictionaryArray[i+1]; } //to shift all … Read more

[Solved] Indexing args as an array in the Windows x86-64 ABI [closed]

Jester’s suggestion to write it in C is probably a good one, esp. if it can be inlined into calls where some of the args are compile-time constants. Your example use-case passes mostly compile-time-constant args, including the function pointer. Any decent optimizing compiler will inline this and optimize away the indirection into just a normal … Read more

[Solved] warning C4018: ‘

length() probably returns size_t or unsigned long and you are comparing it with signed long. Change long lDelFront = 0, lDelBack = 0; to size_t lDelFront = 0; size_t lDelBack = 0; to avoid signed/unsigned comparison 1 solved warning C4018: ‘

[Solved] Visual Studio Linker Error while linking SFML-2.1

You should add your file names of *.lib files to vs’ linker. Instruction: 1.Open your project Property pages.(Press Alt+F7 in vs). 2.Expand “Configuration Properties”. 3.Expand “Linker”. 4.You will find item “Input” under “Linker” and click the “Input”. 5.On the right side,you will find a item “Additional Dependencies”. 6.Add your lib file names here.(for example lib1.lib;lib2.lib…,separate … Read more

[Solved] c++ breaks on class function

EDIT: Wait… I hadn’t realized that this function is a member of the CXFileEntity class. It doesn’t look like it’s a static method, either. So in order to call this function, you already need to have instantiated a CXFileEntity object! Therefore, it’s likely that you absolutely do not want to be either deleting or creating … Read more