[Solved] Questions about lambda and eval in relation to some Python calculator GUI code [closed]

Assigned variables are just that. Assigned by the coder. I have variable_name = object. If there are Tkinter specific variables being used at some point it is most likely a PSEUDO-CONSTANT that is used in arguments within the methods of tkinter. You should never try to change predefined variables that are part of the tkinter … Read more

[Solved] Circular progress indicator with animation at end

You can use this well known library AnimCheckBox. Here is an screenshot what will you get. How to use? Add this dependency to your app level build.gradle dependencies{ compile ‘com.hanks.animatecheckbox:library:0.1’ } Then in your layout.xml <com.hanks.library.AnimateCheckBox android:layout_width=”50dp” android:layout_height=”50dp” android:padding=”15dp” app:animDuration=”200″ app:checkedColor=”#00f” app:lineColor=”#fff” app:lineWidth=”1.2dp” app:unCheckColor=”#ff0″/> 2 solved Circular progress indicator with animation at end

[Solved] How to not repeat code in Swift for attributes of button? [closed]

Your answer really isn’t ideal for stackoverflow since it’s not a direct problem your looking for help with, but instead a question of best practice. Check the code of conduct again. However you can do the following: (If you need those buttons to be instanced/complete right away) a) Create a private static function in your … Read more