[Solved] Toast not showing on my project
The solution was to create a new blank project and copy all the files in it. I guess the problem was produced by the automatic-created action bar. solved Toast not showing on my project
The solution was to create a new blank project and copy all the files in it. I guess the problem was produced by the automatic-created action bar. solved Toast not showing on my project
You can certainly do that. A service is a Context. So you can call Toast.makeText(this, “My Information”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); solved Can I show Toast from none-UI Service in android?
I doubt any of your samples work, because you need to show the toast: Toast.makeText(context, “ABC”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); solved If statement in android is not working [closed]
This has already been answered, you need to use a Status Bar Notification Google Search Engine Toast Length Post 1 solved How to make long toast? [closed]
No source code, no toast. To get source code from apk -> retro-engineering ! There is tools like APK Decompiler that should help you. 7 solved How To Add Toast To Compiled App
Solved by using this method: private static MainActivity instance; public MainActivity() { instance = this; } and changing the showtoast script to: Toast.makeText(instance, toast, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); solved Toast message crash app
According to this question this is the best way to implement clicking on the item of RecyclerView Firstly create a file values/ids.xml and put this in it: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <resources> <item name=”item_click_support” type=”id” /> </resources> then add the code below to your source for Java Copy the following helper class to your project public … Read more
Maybe you need like this: public void doSomeWork() { String usiaTahun = tahunUsia.getText().toString(); // check value is empty if (!usiaTahun.isEmpty()) { // parse string to integer int tahunAngka = Integer.parseInt(usiaTahun); // check value is in between 0 to 5 if (tahunAngka < 0 || tahunAngka > 5) { // error message Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, “Tahun Yang Anda … Read more