[Solved] Read file with floats, calculate size, max, min, mean, median and standard deviaton in C [closed]

float x,i=~(257<<23),a,s,t;main(int n,char**f){a=-i;f=fopen(f[1],”r” );for(n=0;fscanf(f,”%f”,&x)>0;n++,s+=x,x<i?i=x:0,x>a?a=x:0,t+=x*x); printf(“%d %f %f %f %f\n”,n,a,i,s/n,sqrtf(t/n));} Sorry for the long code. Didn’t have time to make it shorter. 1 solved Read file with floats, calculate size, max, min, mean, median and standard deviaton in C [closed]

[Solved] Adding standard deviation to barplot() in R

with base R, you can use the function arrows() : barCenters <- barplot(height = Ymeans12stdev$mean, main = “Average Time per Group”, xlab = “Group”, ylab = “Time”) arrows(barCenters, Ymeans12stdev$mean-Ymeans12stdev$sd, barCenters, Ymeans12stdev$mean+Ymeans12stdev$sd,angle=90,code=3) the argument angle=90 specifies to draw “flat” arrows (i.e. a horizontal bar on top of a vertical one) and the argument code=3 specifies to … Read more