[Solved] What’s the problems on this sql command code? [closed]

Introduction This question is about a SQL command code and the problems associated with it. SQL is a powerful language used to query and manipulate data in databases. It is important to understand the syntax and structure of SQL commands in order to ensure that the code is written correctly and that the desired results … Read more

[Solved] What’s the problems on this sql command code? [closed]

It looks a bit bulky, I’d recommend you to rewrite it in the following way: SELECT User1.NAME,User1.PORT,User1.IP,File1.SIZE, FROM [User_File],[User1],[File1] WHERE [User_File].UID= User1.UID AND [User_File].FID=File1.FID and [User_File].FID = {0} and check if it runs without errors from your SQL Management Studio. solved What’s the problems on this sql command code? [closed]

[Solved] T-SQL to generate expect result

Assuming that I understand the problem: you have a number of rows with sections (“Cates”) and symbols (“Type”); if there are any symbols ending in a minus sign then these indicate a row without a minus sign should be removed; symbols are never “mixed” per section, i.e. a section can never have “A” and “B-“; … Read more

[Solved] php How to save post and save show to php file like this [closed]

Without knowing your full requirements, this should get you started. I imagine you are going to want to store the saved/changed text into a database. If this is the case, you need to build upon what is provided below. Hope this helps. Enter Text Here… <?php if( isset( $_POST[‘my_text’], $_POST[‘save’] ) && strlen( $_POST[‘my_text’] ) … Read more

[Solved] How to echo url and database variable [closed]

You need to use dot to concate constant string with variables: echo ‘<a href=”‘.$url.'”>’.$name.'</a>’; for security reason you need to take care about propper variable escaping. Check php.net doc for htmlspecialchars and htmlentities 1 solved How to echo url and database variable [closed]

[Solved] Selecting more than one value

You probably want something like this SELECT Name, Composer, REPLACE(Composer,”https://stackoverflow.com/”,’,’) AS Make FROM tracks But it really is impossible to tell for sure given that you don’t tell us any of the table or field names in your database and very little about your database model solved Selecting more than one value

[Solved] PHP script ,MySQL

Change your code from $query = “SELECT COUNT( id ) FROM scores WHERE id = $id;”; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(‘Query failed: ‘ . mysql_error()); to $query = “SELECT COUNT( id ) as `total_ids` FROM scores WHERE id = $id”; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(‘Query failed: ‘ . mysql_error()); after that you need $count = … Read more

[Solved] select yesterday date in where condition

SELECT * FROM yourTable WHERE (FilteredPhoneCall.createdon >= dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,GETDATE()),0) AND FilteredPhoneCall.createdon < dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GETDATE()),0)) OR (FilteredPhoneCall.modifiedon >= dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,GETDATE()),0) AND FilteredPhoneCall.modifiedon < dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GETDATE()),0)) solved select yesterday date in where condition

[Solved] Filter Name with Starting Letter

it’s not C#, it’s SQL. in SQL you can use like clause. ex: select * from tblcustomer where CustomerName like ‘A%’ it will display customer name start with letter A EDIT DECLARE @CustomerName varchar(200) = NULL SELECT TOP 100 * FROM tblCustomer WHERE CustomerName like CASE WHEN @CustomerName IS NULL THEN ‘%’ ELSE @CustomerName + … Read more

[Solved] Very complicated SQL query

You can do aggregation with coalesce() : select event_id, coalesce(max(case when state=”FAILED” then ‘FAILED’ end), max(case when state=”COMPLETED” then ‘COMPLETED’ end), ‘PENDING’ ) from table t group by event_id; solved Very complicated SQL query