[Solved] Spring MVC, Maven, CRUD, MongoDB [closed]

Please read your error messages more carefully. You have an autowiring problem: NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type **’com.mthree.service.UserService’** available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)} You should add an annotation to tell Spring that your bean is under its control: @Service(value = “userService”) public class UserServiceImpl implements … Read more

[Solved] I can create a student but it doesn’t save on mysql table. i get a console error that i can figure it out what it is [closed]

Introduction If you are having trouble creating a student and saving it to a MySQL table, you have come to the right place. This post will provide you with a solution to your problem. We will discuss the console error you are receiving and how to troubleshoot it. By the end of this post, you … Read more

[Solved] I can create a student but it doesn’t save on mysql table. i get a console error that i can figure it out what it is [closed]

count the columns in your statement! There are seven columns but six values: INSERT INTO alumnos(legajo,nombre,apellido,curso,dni,edad,fechanc) ” + “VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)”); you easily forgott a questionmark(column place holder) try this: INSERT INTO alumnos(legajo,nombre,apellido,curso,dni,edad,fechanc) ” + “VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)”); solved I can create a student but it doesn’t save on mysql table. i get a console error that i can … Read more

[Solved] How to increase performance in Spring MVC – Hibernate – JSP – AngularJS v1.6? [closed]

Without more detail, I can only offer general advice, but here goes: Start by profiling the application to see where the bottlenecks actually are. See this question for a list of profiling tools. The golden rule is to measure first, then optimise only what needs optimising! Once you know where improvements need to be made, … Read more

[Solved] Spring Mvc method argumrnts

This is basic Java and has nothing to do with Spring. Local variables and method parameters are initialized differently. For a method parameter the initialization is implicit because you must give some value to the method call. Example: // Declaration public String showForm(Model theModel) { } // Call showForm(null); You cannot ommit the argument and … Read more

[Solved] How to parse yyyymm data format to Month, YYYY format in Java?

I would use java.time for a task like this. You can define two java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter instances (one for parsing the input string to java.time.YearMonth and another for formatting the obtained YearMonth to a string of the desired format). Define a method like this one: public static String convert(String monthInSomeYear, Locale locale) { // create something that … Read more

[Solved] I need save some picture,how can I fix that ByteArrayInputStream to FileInputStream?

MultipartFile’s getInputStream() method returns an InputStream. You don’t have to know what kind of InputStream it returns. As you see, it’s not a FileInputStream, and that should not matter. All you need to do is read from the InputStream returned and write to your file. You read from an InputStream the same way, whatever the … Read more

[Solved] Spring MVC Service class NullPointerException [closed]

It seems EmployeeDAO is not being injected in EmployeeServiceImpl, wire EmployeeDAO using @Autowire or @Inject, Second EmployeeDAOImpl has not been declared a component (not sure if you have declared already in xml) so declare it with @Repository and also @Autowire SessionFactory. Hope this will do.. 1 solved Spring MVC Service class NullPointerException [closed]