[Solved] Slicing in Python, one part of string

dotPoint = text.index(“.”) atPoint = text.index(“@”) firstPart = text[0:dotPoint] secondPart = text[dotPoint+1:atPoint] print firstPart print secondPart This will output bianca mary There you go. On Python 2.7 🙂 2 solved Slicing in Python, one part of string

[Solved] Proper way to access Vec as strings [duplicate]

Because r is an array of u8, you need to convert it to a valid &str and use push_str method of String. use std::str; fn main() { let rfrce = vec![&[65,66,67], &[68,69,70]]; let mut str = String::new(); for r in rfrce { str.push_str(str::from_utf8(r).unwrap()); } println!(“{}”, str); } Rust Playground 3 solved Proper way to access … Read more

[Solved] Python: ASCII letters slicing and concatenation [closed]

I think you are misunderstanding the “:” notation for the lists. upper[:3] gives the first 3 characters from upper whereas upper[3:] gives you the whole list but the 3 first characters. In the end you end up with : upperNew = upper[:3] + upper[3:] = ‘ABC’ + ‘DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’ When you sum them into upperNew, you … Read more

[Solved] Split string by n when n is random

I figured it out. string = ‘123456789’ splitted = [] prev = 0 while True: n = random.randint(1,3) splitted.append(string[prev:prev+n]) prev = prev + n if prev >= len(string)-1: break print splitted 0 solved Split string by n when n is random

[Solved] Split string by n when n is random

This article will discuss how to split a string by a random number. Splitting a string is a common task in programming, and it can be done in many different ways. However, when the number used to split the string is random, it can be a bit more challenging. This article will provide an overview … Read more