[Solved] How can I know my Node.JS application security is up to standard?

Security is really hard to get right. There are so many different factors to consider, countless different ways to break an application. This guide is definitely not meant to address every single possible security flaw within application. It does, however, provide a basic checklist to ensure that an Express application addresses or application some of … Read more

[Solved] what is wrong incode python? [duplicate]

Just try to correct indentation like shown below: …. try: subdomain = row.find_all(‘td’)[4].text subdomain = subdomain.replace(“*.”,””) if subdomain not in self.foundURLsList: self.foundURLsList.append(subdomain) except Exception as e: pass … Current version of bs4 does not support python 2 Beautiful Soup’s support for Python 2 was discontinued on December 31, 2020: one year after the sunset date … Read more

[Solved] Is SSL not secure any more? [closed]

SSL as a protocol is still secure. That bug exists in OpenSSL, which is one implementation of SSL but not the only one. As a parallel, imagine if a bug was found in Internet Explorer. You wouldn’t as a result then say “web browsing is not secure any more” – there are plenty of other … Read more

[Solved] Can we protect against SQL-injection by writing Javascript code correctly? how? [closed]

Never try and prevent SQL injection solely by JavaScript. What happens if I turn JavaScript off? Your validation fails instantly. What happens if I modify your JS and remove the keywords you are preventing me from injecting? Always validate it against the server. solved Can we protect against SQL-injection by writing Javascript code correctly? how? … Read more

[Solved] Prevent User Agent malicious code with PHP [closed]

Exactly the same way you should already prevent injection with every other value. That it’s specifically a user agent string is irrelevant. When writing it to an HTML page, pass it through htmlspecialchars: echo htmlspecialchars($user_agent);. When using it as part of a database query, use prepared statements, or whatever escaping function the the database API … Read more

[Solved] How should IBuffer objects generated through Windows.Security.Cryptography be managed securely?

You can wipe out the buffer if you like after use, even with C#. Here is a handy helper: public static class BufferExtensions { public async static Task ClearContentsAsync(this IBuffer buff) { var writer = new DataWriter(buff.AsStream().AsOutputStream()); for (var i = 0; i < buff.Capacity; i++) writer.WriteByte(42); await writer.StoreAsync(); } } Use it like this: … Read more