[Solved] What is the meaning of pwd|sed -e?

So first you should know that this is two commands – pwd and sed -e “s#/survey1##” – and these two commands are being run together in a pipeline. That is, the output of the first command is being sent to the second command as input. That is, in general, what | means in unix shell … Read more

[Solved] Python script looking for nonexistent file

Check the root variable. You might be looking for the file at ./access_log-20150215 that is actually in a subdirectory such as ./subdir/access_log-20150215. If you want to explore all subdirectories use f=open(os.path.join(root,file),’r’) but if you only want the top directory you can use os.listdir(‘.’) 3 solved Python script looking for nonexistent file

[Solved] What is the python vesion of this?

Before getting into any of this: As chepner pointed out in a comment, this input looks like, and therefore is probably intended to be, JSON. Which means you shouldn’t be parsing it with regular expressions; just parse it as JSON: >>> s=””‘ {“text”: “Love this series!\ufeff”, “time”: “Hace 11 horas”, “author”: “HasRah”, “cid”: “UgyvXmvSiMjuDrOQn-l4AaABAg”}”’ >>> … Read more

[Solved] awk : parse and write to another file

Use GNU awk for multi-char RS: $ awk -v RS='</record>\n’ ‘{ORS=RT} /<keyword>SEARCH<\/keyword>/’ file <record category=”xyz”> <person ssn=”” e-i=”E”> <title xsi:nil=”true”/> <position xsi:nil=”true”/> <names> <first_name/> <last_name></last_name> <aliases> <alias>CDP</alias> </aliases> <keywords> <keyword xsi:nil=”true”/> <keyword>SEARCH</keyword> </keywords> <external_sources> <uri>http://www.google.com</uri> <detail>SEARCH is present in abc for xyz reason</detail> </external_sources> </details> </record> If you need to search for any of multiple … Read more

[Solved] application/force-download

Fix your code in your example and make your question more clear. That said, it’s unclear whether you’re trying to validate an uploaded file or a downloaded file. I’m going to take a wild guess and say that you might be trying to serve a file that’s already uploaded. Mimetypes are a pretty bad way … Read more

[Solved] click() command not working on document.getElementsByClassName()

getElementsByClassName returns a HTMLCollection, which is an array-like object. That means that in you case, you should get the element at index 0, which ideally for the kind of application that you are building should be the only one that you get: document.getElementsByClassName(‘btn btn-danger btn-lg btn-block betButton’)[0].click() Otherwise your extension will probably stop working if … Read more