[Solved] every day xpath are changing [closed]

If your xpath will always be changing, to get your Selenium code to work atleast there should be some pattern in how it changes, for example it may be dependent on current date. Then you can code accordingly to generate your xpath dynamically every time you run your script. If there is no such pattern … Read more


The V$OBJECT_PRIVILEGE covers only the privileges related to objects (e.g. ‘CREATE SESSION’ wouldn’t be in there). For SAP HANA you’ll find all the possible privileges in the documentation, e.g. here http://help.sap.com/saphelp_hanaplatform/helpdata/en/20/f674e1751910148a8b990d33efbdc5/content.htm Lars 2 solved SAP HANA OBJECT PRIVILEGES VIEW

[Solved] SAP EXCEL TABLE [closed]

My suggestion is as follows: Session.FindById(“wnd[0]/usr/tblZVMGO_SO_RDD_FDF_UPDTETABCON‌​/‌​ctxtVBAK-VBELN[0,‌​” & cstr(Loo‌​pNum) & “]”).Text = Fill(LoopNum) Regards, ScriptMan 2 solved SAP EXCEL TABLE [closed]