[Solved] Regular Expression generation in Swift [duplicate]

You could do something like this : let str = “_h Hello _h _h World _h” let range = NSRange(str.startIndex…, in: str) let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: “(?<=_h).+?(?=_h)”) let matches = regex.matches(in: str, range: range) let results: [String] = matches.compactMap { match in let subStr = String(str[Range(match.range, in: str)!]).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) return subStr.isEmpty ? nil : … Read more

[Solved] Perl regex for char ‘&’ [closed]

There must be an error somewhere else in your program. This works as expected: $s1 = ‘M&M chocolates’; $s2 = ‘Tom & Jerry’; printf(“$s1\n”) if $s1 =~ m/\w\W\w\s\w+/; printf(“$s2\n”) if $s2 =~ m/\w+\s&\s\w+/; outputs M&M chocolates Tom & Jerry solved Perl regex for char ‘&’ [closed]

[Solved] find hex value in list using regular expression

Try this: import re lst = [‘a’, ‘4’, ‘add’, ‘e’, ‘a’, ‘c0a8d202’, ‘128’, ‘4’, ‘0’, ’32’] pattern = re.compile(r’c[0-9a-fA-F]?’) for i in lst: if re.search(pattern, i): print(lst.index(i)) Note: this is as per your desired output but i am agree with @Jean-François Fabre who said that what’s wrong with lst.index(‘c0a8d202’) ? what’s the point of regular … Read more

[Solved] Regular expression with specific characters in javascript [closed]

Your requirements are perhaps not totally complete, but if I assume that you only want six digit characters at the end, something like the regex /H\d{3}-\d{4}-\d{6}/ would work. You can see it working here or in the snippet below: const text=”nonsense nonsense lorem ipsum H005-2007-652764 and then more nonsense”; const regex = /H\d{3}-\d{4}-\d{6}/; console.log(text.match(regex)); solved … Read more

[Solved] Replacing text using Regex expression in Notepad ++

If DSGSQ is the part that is variable in your question (see my comment below question), a possible Regex is Find: (<img src =”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54358159/wsg://i)([^”]*)(“>) Replace : <img src =”http://localhost/images/$2.jpg”> 1 solved Replacing text using Regex expression in Notepad ++

[Solved] How to make regex for 3 slashes?

You can try this regex, although your question is not clear to me. ^students\/([\w\-\d]+)\/data\/sessions$ Check here https://regex101.com/r/xnxwCX/1 you can grab the data in between students/, /data/session. solved How to make regex for 3 slashes?

[Solved] How to display, using a filter, only cells that contain Japanese in Google Sheets? [closed]

note that DETECTLANGUAGE does not work with array/range so only: =IF(DETECTLANGUAGE(A1)=”ja”, “Japanese”, ) but you could use a script: function NIPPON(input) { var output = []; for (i = 0 ; i < input.length; i++){ try { output[i] = LanguageApp.translate(input[i], ”, ‘ja’); } catch(err) { output[i] = err.message; } } return output; } =ARRAYFORMULA(FILTER(A1:A, IF(LEN(A1:A)=LEN(NIPPON(A1:A)), … Read more

[Solved] split string with preg_split [closed]

You can try this $lines = array(); $lines = explode(“2013”,$string); foreach($lines as $key => $value) { $data = array() $data = explode(“;;”,$value); $lines[$key][‘data’] = $data } solved split string with preg_split [closed]