[Solved] How to match the bundle id for android app?

You could try: r’\?id=([a-zA-Z\.]+)’ For your regex, like so: def get_id(toParse) regex = r’\?id=([a-zA-Z\.]+)’ x = re.findall(regex, toParse)[0] return x Regex – By adding r before the actual regex code, we specify that it is a raw string, so we don’t have to add multiple backslashes before every command, which is better explained here. ? … Read more

[Solved] Python Regular Expression from File

This will return the elements you want: import re s=””‘journey (a,b) from station south chennai to station punjab chandigarh journey (c,d) from station jammu katra to city punjab chandigarh journey (e) from station journey (c,d) from station ANYSTRING jammu katra to ANYSTRING city punjab chandigarh ”’ matches_single = re.findall(‘journey (\([^,]+,[^,]+\)) from (\S+ \S+\s{0,1}\S*) to (\S+ … Read more

[Solved] Extract only first match using python regular expression [duplicate]

Pretty simple: In [8]: course_name Out[8]: ‘Post Graduate Certificate Programme in Retail Management (PGCPRM) (Online)’ In [9]: print re.sub(‘\([A-Z]+\)\s*’, ”, course_name) Post Graduate Certificate Programme in Retail Management (Online) In [17]: print re.search(‘\(([A-Z]+)\)\s*’, course_name).groups()[0] PGCPRM 0 solved Extract only first match using python regular expression [duplicate]

[Solved] Remove the end of a string with a varying string length using PHP

You can use a regex like this: -\d+x\d+(\.\w+)$ Working demo The code you can use is: $re = “/-\\d+x\\d+(\\.\\w+)$/”; $str = “http://website.dev/2014/05/my-file-name-here-710×557.png”; $subst=”\1″; $result = preg_replace($re, $subst, $str, 1); The idea is to match the resolution -NumbersXNumbers using -\d+x\d+ (that we’ll get rid of it) and then capture the file extension by using (\.\w+)$ using … Read more

[Solved] Replace multiple substrings between delimiters in Java

From comment: but if I do not know the text between the delimiters? So it sounds like the replacement values are positional. Best way to do this is a regular expression appendReplacement loop: public static String replace(String input, String… values) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); Matcher m = Pattern.compile(“\\|{2}(.*?)\\|{2}”).matcher(input); for (int i = 0; … Read more

[Solved] regular expression [closed]

If the rest of the url never changes, then you don’t need a regular expression. Just store the first part of the url in a string: $url_prefix = “http:// www.badoobook.com/clips/index.php?page=videos&section=view&vid_id=”; then append your identifier to it: $id = 100162; $full_url = $url_prefix + $id; solved regular expression [closed]

[Solved] how to remove all staff by using regular Expression [closed]

Whenever you think “I need to match a pattern”, you should think “Regular Expressions” as a good starting point. See doco. It is a little trickier since the input file is unicode. import re import codecs with codecs.open(“test.unicode.txt”,”rb”, “utf-8″) as f: words = [] for line in f.readlines(): matches = re.match(b”solution:.+\[(?P<word>\w+).*\]”, line, flags=re.U) if matches: … Read more

[Solved] Want regex for accepting $,0-9,a-z,+,-,/,*? [closed]

This should match any of the specified characters and no others. /^[$0-9a-z+\-\/*]+$/ Note: the ‘-‘ character needs to be escaped in selection groups like this since it generally signifies a range of possible characters (i.e. a-z or 0-9). 3 solved Want regex for accepting $,0-9,a-z,+,-,/,*? [closed]

[Solved] Looking for a string in Python [duplicate]

It is not entirely clear what the conditions are. Based on your comments I think you look for the following regex: r”Профессиональная ГИС \”Панорама\” \(версия 12(\.\d+){2,}, для платформы \”x(32|64)\”\)” This will match any sequence of dots and numbers after the 12. (so for instance is allowed), and furthermore both x64 and x32 are allowed … Read more

[Solved] What Perl variables are used for the positions of the start and end of last successful regex match? [closed]

As the perlvar man-page explains: $+[0] is the offset into the string of the end of the entire [last successful] match. This is the same value as what the pos function returns when called on the variable that was matched against. $-[0] is the offset of the start of the last successful match. solved What … Read more

[Solved] RegEx matching for removing a sequence of variable length in a number

I assume X and Y can’t begin with 0. [1-9]\d{0,2} matches a number from 1 to 3 digits that doesn’t begin with 0. So the regexp to extract X and Y should be: ^([1-9]\d{0,2})000([1-9]\d{0,2})000$ Then you can use re.sub() to remove the zeroes between X and Y. regex = re.compile(r’^([1-9]\d{0,2})000([1-9]\d{0,2})000$’); i = 14000010000 istr = … Read more

[Solved] Regex – Match a sentence but ignoring certian words if present [closed]

You can achieve that by either using an alternation or an optional group: With alternation (https://regex101.com/r/qIjNWF/1): 400 people drive dark blue cars|400 people drive cars The pipe symbol is working like a logical OR resp. alternation. So, it matches either the left side or the right side. With an optional group (https://regex101.com/r/p5Z7eU/1/): 400 people drive … Read more