[Solved] How to read, edit, merge and save all csv files from one folder?

This should be fairly easy with something like the csv library, if you don’t want to get into learning dataframes. import os import csv new_data = [] for filename in os.listdir(‘./csv_dir’): if filename.endswith(‘.csv’): with open(‘./csv_dir/’ + filename, mode=”r”) as curr_file: reader = csv.reader(curr_file, delimiter=”,”) for row in reader: new_data.append(row[2]) # Or whichever column you need … Read more

[Solved] In Python 3.6, How to display which lines a word occurs in a text file?

This program should behave as you wanted: with open(“test.txt”,’r+’) as f: # Read the file lines=f.readlines() # Gets the word word=input(“Enter the word:”) print(word+” occured on line(s):”,end=’ ‘) # Puts a flag to see if the word occurs or not flag=False for i in range(0,len(lines)): # Creates a list of words which occured on the … Read more

[Solved] when I write findAll it says: findAll is not defined [closed]

If I am assuming right and you are using from bs4 import BeautifulSoup you need to understand that find_all is part of the bs4.element.Tag object findAll might not work obj = BeautifulSoup(html_text, ‘html.parser’) obj.find_all(“tr”,{“class”:”match”}) This should solve your problem. 3 solved when I write findAll it says: findAll is not defined [closed]

[Solved] Palindrome Checker for numbers

The easiest way to check if a number is a palindrom would probably to treat it as a string, flip it, and check if the flipped string is equal to the original. From there on, it’s just a loop that counts how many of these you’ve encounteres: begin = int(input(‘Enter begin: ‘)) end = int(input(‘Enter … Read more

[Solved] Print elements of list horizontally [closed]

Here’s a silly one-liner version: def print_table(seq, width=3): print(‘\n’.join([”.join( [(str(u[-i]) if len(u) >= i else ”).rjust(width) for u in seq]) for i in range(max(len(u) for u in seq), 0, -1)])) And here’s the same algorithm in a somewhat more readable form: def get_cell(u, i): return str(u[-i]) if len(u) >= i else ” def print_table(seq, width=3): … Read more

[Solved] Parse array of elements

#Updating code snippet by leplatrem result = {’44’: [‘2’, ‘4’], ’41’: [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’]} for (k,v) in result.viewitems(): temp_list = [str(i) for i in v] temp_str = “,”.join(temp_list) temp_str = “‘” + temp_str + “‘” print “UPDATE myTable SET myColumn={} where id={}”.format(temp_str,k) #Output UPDATE myTable SET myColumn=’2,4′ where id=44 UPDATE myTable SET myColumn=’1,2,3’ where id=41 … Read more