[Solved] how to input floating point numbers in assembly language… and how to add subtract and multiply these floating point numbers [closed]

how to input floating point numbers in assembly language… and how to add subtract and multiply these floating point numbers [closed] solved how to input floating point numbers in assembly language… and how to add subtract and multiply these floating point numbers [closed]

[Solved] How to declare local variables in macro asm of gas like decalaring it in macro asm with %local in macro asm of nasm or local in macro asm of masm?

gas is primarily intended as a compiler backend, not for human use. As such, it’s lacking some features, among others this one. You can of course try to make a macro to do this, something along these lines: .intel_syntax noprefix .globl main .macro local head, tail:vararg # assume dwords for simplicity .set localsize, localsize + … Read more

[Solved] NASM – Variable Basics

‘mystring + 1’ is the address of the second byte of the string. mov al, mystring + 1 stores (the least significant byte of) that address in al. To indicate that you don’t want to store the address but the byte located at that address, write this: mov al, [mystring + 1] To declare a … Read more