[Solved] Using Multi Threading in Win32 Api [closed]

Introduction Multi-threading is a powerful tool for improving the performance of applications. It allows multiple tasks to be executed simultaneously, thus reducing the amount of time required to complete a task. The Win32 API provides a set of functions that allow developers to create and manage multiple threads in their applications. In this article, we … Read more

[Solved] Best way to multi-thread? [closed]

The correct (standard) way to do this on C and Windows is with __beginthreadex. This is usually preferred to calling CreateThread directly as CreateThread doesn’t init C runtime support for the thread. So if you create a thread using CreateThread, and call a CRT function, bad stuff can/will happen. Note that __beginthreadex calls CreateThread internally, … Read more

[Solved] java – string return method is called before any value is assigned to string

It seems pretty logical to me: You have a first event handling method execution in the EDT which gets the firmware version and then gets the port reader. Getting the firmware version causes an event to be received, in a different thread (and thus in parallel to the execution of portsMethod() in the EDT). The … Read more

[Solved] What’s wrong in that multithread method?

Problems was not only in threads but in algorithm too: start.set(start.get() + 1); Should be start.set(end.get() + 1); The next thing is that I should set new value to for field start in the beginning and save initial value in thread-local variable. /** * Builds map of anagrams */ private void buildAnagramMap() { System.out.println(“Starting build … Read more

[Solved] Multithreading is an extension of multiprocessing?

Well, yes, to some extent this is true. But it’s a simplified statement, there are significant differences. Shortly… Multiprocessing Processes are isolated from each other by OS. Each process has its own virtual memory space. They need to use IPC methods for communication with each other. If a process encounters e.g. segmentation fault, only this … Read more

[Solved] C#: Why does it take so long to get a Task t.Result when the task has already finished? [closed]

I’ll update this as you update your question, but here’s my best guess. This line doesn’t compile, because Select doesn’t return a List: List<Task<T>> myTasks = someList.Select(x => Task.Run(() => DoSomethingWith(x))); I’m going to hazard a guess that you’re actually doing this: var myTasks = someList.Select(x => Task.Run(() => DoSomethingWith(x))); … which produces a cold … Read more

[Solved] Java sync class and this by two threads

In your example, All MyThread instances created with id of 1 will synchronize on the MyThread class object. This means that no two MyThread instances can be “in” the first synchonized block at the same time. All MyThread instances created with id of 2 will synchronize on this. Now this is the thread object itself1. … Read more

[Solved] Running Multiple Thread Pools (ExecutorService) together

If you need sequential activity, you can call one task and then another. The simple solution in your case is something like this. ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); exec.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { userProvisioner1.run(); userProvisioner2.run(); } }); exec.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { userProvisioner3.run(); userProvisioner4.run(); } }); exec.shutdown(); exec.awaitTermination(); solved Running Multiple Thread … Read more

[Solved] if i run method in doinbackgroundand when it is running i am click any button then i got error…how to solve? [closed]

Here is my guess. Cannot be very specific unless you post the codes: In the doInBackground method, it calls MainActivity.addToListview method, which modifies UI and some object isn’t ready yet. The null object may depend on your async task finishing or you forgot to set it up? 1 solved if i run method in doinbackgroundand … Read more

[Solved] C# Asynchronous Server Sockets – Thread-Safety/Performance (MMO Gaming) [closed]

The first thing I want to mention, since I believe it is answers the root of your question, is that your performance (latency, concurrent connection capacity, etc) is going to be largely defined by the hardware you are running this software on and the network performance for each specific client. Software can improve some things … Read more

[Solved] Cross-thread operation not valid: Control ‘Form1’ accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on

In this case, write invoke operation inside of method. Then you can access both from control’s thread and other threads. delegate IntPtr GetWindowHandleDelegate(); private IntPtr GetWindowHandle() { if (this.InvokeRequired) { return (IntPtr)this.Invoke((GetWindowHandleDelegate)delegate() { return GetWindowHandle(); }); } return this.Handle; } or, if you want to avoid delegate hell, you could write in more few code … Read more

[Solved] Thread pool in Android, calling doinbackground directly

The Developer Guide says: Do not call onPreExecute(), onPostExecute(Result), doInBackground(Params…), onProgressUpdate(Progress…) manually. So it is indeed bad practice to call doInBackground(Params) manually. Here are some rules: The AsyncTask class must be loaded on the UI thread. This is done automatically as of Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN. The task instance must be created on the UI thread. execute(Params…) must … Read more

[Solved] How to create and use background thread to change object from another thread

A background thread is scoped to the main thread. So it’ll run as long as the console app is alive. .Net has a rich threading library, so I leave it up to you. for ex) 1) use a delegate and call BeginInvoke 2) system.threading.Thread namespace 3) System.Threading.Tasks namespace Since threading can be daunting, here’s a … Read more