[Solved] Open source Java Thread server [closed]
It seems that you are looking implementation of thread pool. Fortunately JDK has one built-in. Take a look on Exectutors framework. solved Open source Java Thread server [closed]
It seems that you are looking implementation of thread pool. Fortunately JDK has one built-in. Take a look on Exectutors framework. solved Open source Java Thread server [closed]
Mostly this syntax (inline definition of anonymous classes) exists because Java doesn’t allow the concept of closures or lambda functions, so if you want to pass a function to be invoked you have to pass an instance of a class with the function then declared inline. In contrast, Swift, like most modern languages has a … Read more
Sort both of these “simultaneously”. System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => quick_sort(a1,0,100)); System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => quick_sort(a2,0,100)); solved How can i sort two integer arrays parallel with quick sort in C#?
Try this: DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc1( LPVOID lpParameter) { … return 0 ; } DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc2( LPVOID lpParameter) { … return 0 ; } … typedef DWORD (WINAPI * THREADPROCFN)(LPVOID lpParameter); THREADPROCFN fntable[4] = {ThreadProc1, ThreadProc2, …} ; //Start the threads for (int i = 0; i < max_number; i++) { DWORD ThreadId ; CreateThread( … Read more
Before I answer you question, note that a void method can’t return an ArrayList. And to the question: They differ in the lock they acquire. In this case, the first one is an implicit lock on “this”. It’s a way to write public void getPlayers() { synchronized (this) { return list; } } Except that … Read more
You are shooting past your fixed-sized arrays due to a defective EOF test. Your loop should look more like the following: // also, don’t do preceding “usageFile >> … ;” while (true) { // you should also push as many of your charge/count variable declaration // in here as possible … // “readFile” is a … Read more
You can use both a Thread or an AsyncTask, just chose one of the two based on your needs (if you provide more details about the task you need to perform I might be able to help you more specifically). The Handler class is not meant to be used to run asynchronous tasks (like Thread … Read more
There are quite a few mistakes: First, you’re passing pointer to int random but in the thread you convert the argument (pointer) to the number. Either you have to cast the int random to a pointer or in the thread cast args to long * and read the memory from that pointer. The latter will … Read more
I found a solution to my problem. First let me explain how I achieved this: I made 2 watchdog threads that the first one recreates the 5 threads and WatchDogThread2 when terminated and the second one does the same to watchdog 1 (this took me to long because of Thread.IsAlive was always returning true even … Read more
When the test if (count == 3) is done the value of count is 6. And your code test it only once. You need to move the code that is out of the for loop inside it. You need also to hold a lock on t before call wait. This is done with a synchronized … Read more
Using the TerminateThread function. The function you posted does: PostThreadMessage(hookThreadId, WM_QUIT, (WPARAM) NULL, (LPARAM) NULL); WaitForSingleObject(hookThreadHandle, 5000); So it sends a quit message to that thread, and then waits for it to close. 6 solved stopping a thread in windows [closed]
public class TranslateChar { /** @param args */ public static void main(final String[] args) { final Map<Character, Character> mapCharCod = new HashMap<>(36); final Map<Character, Character> mapCharDecod = new HashMap<>(36); mapCharCod.put(‘A’, ‘Z’); mapCharCod.put(‘B’, ‘X’); mapCharCod.put(‘C’, ‘Y’); mapCharDecod.put(‘Z’, ‘A’); mapCharDecod.put(‘X’, ‘B’); mapCharDecod.put(‘Y’, ‘C’); final String toCod = “CAB”; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(“{“); for (final char c … Read more
Without more information the following is really only speculation. Please in the future show more details and explain what you have done to debug the problem. after new Thread, thread is still null and i don’t know why please help. It is not possible for a constructor to return a null so something else is … Read more
Yes it’s perfectly possible to create a multi-threaded windows service. Just spawn a new thread when you receive a message via your preferred way of handling things. This is the manual way, you could also use a background worker: Thread t = new Thread(() => { // Do some work }); There’s nothing preventing a … Read more
You can make @DataProvider(parallel = true) and use your dataproviderthreadcount to control the number of parallel threads you want to spawn. 1 solved TestNG parallel runs with a single threaded data provider