[Solved] Java 2D string or arraylist?

Option 1: List<String[]> dataSet = new ArrayList<String[]>(); dataSet.add(new String[] { “abc”, “def”, “ghi” }); dataSet.add(new String[] { “xyz” }); dataSet.add(new String[] { “lmn”, “opq”, “rst”, “uvw” }); Option 2: If you know the number of rows in advance, you can also do this: int numRows = 3; //if you know the number of rows in … Read more

[Solved] re-arrange multidimensional php array

If I got your logic right then this function is what you need. (Edited) function strange_reformat($srcArray) { $newArray = []; $c = count($srcArray); $i = 0; $groupStart = null; $collect = []; while($i < $c) { $row = current($srcArray[$i]); if ($row == $groupStart) { $newArray[] = $collect; $collect = []; } $tmp = array_values($srcArray[$i]); $collect[] … Read more

[Solved] Sort Multi-Dimensional Array PHP

If I understand what you need to do, you can use usort: usort($array, function($a, $b) { $sort = array(‘Red’, ‘Green’, ‘Blue’); if (array_search($a[‘House_Colour’], $sort) > array_search($b[‘House_Colour’], $sort)) return 1; if (array_search($a[‘House_Colour’], $sort) < array_search($b[‘House_Colour’], $sort)) return -1; return 0; }); If you can leverage on defines instead on relying on strings for the house colors … Read more

[Solved] Give all elements in Class an seperate Id Javascript

Just add attribute id using, addImage.id=”Image”+i; or setAttribute(‘id’, “Image”+i) like the following: for(var i=0;i<Images.length;i++){ var addImage = document.createElement(“img”); addImage.className = “cssImages”; addImage.setAttribute(‘src’, Images[i]); addImage.setAttribute(‘id’, “Image”+i); IMGdiv.appendChild(addImage); } 4 solved Give all elements in Class an seperate Id Javascript

[Solved] I am attempting write a class that multiplies two matrices using arrays. Are there any errors in the code? [closed]

int Frows = FM.length; int Fcolumns = FM[0].length; int Srows = FM[0].length; int Scolumns = FM.length; should be int Frows = FM.length; int Fcolumns = FM[0].length; int Srows = FM.length; int Scolumns = FM[0].length; and … float finAns[][] = new float[Fcolumns][Scolumns]; should be float finAns[][] = new float[Frows][Scolumns]; Start with that solved I am attempting … Read more

[Solved] PHP multidimensional array keys combinations/combinatorics [closed]

I made some slight modifications to the original code in order to make it use the amount of keys instead of the array values, and then I added a second function to allow a multi-dimensional array to be counted as well. <?php function everyCombination($array) { $newArray = array(); for($keyCount = 1; $keyCount <= count($array); $keyCount++){ … Read more